Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I've always wanted to be a menace to society! Thanks Mormons!


Meechree said...

magic underwear.

Spaf said...

Unblocking MTV from your cable subscription and drinking Mountian Dew is certainly THE way to live life on the edge!

I'm 25 and getting a divorce, does that make me a terrorist instead of a mere menace to society?

Anonymous said...

loving the steve young cameo.

Eric said...

Is there anything about Mormons that isn't funny? No, I don't think so. Well, at least they aren't scientologists.... yet.

Now, time to live life on the edge and unblock the Weather Network.

luke Copping said...

I had no idea that ska was the preferred music of the Mormon Temple.

Anonymous said...

so flat,so lame...and so terrifying

"they're just jokes!....AND THAT MAKES IT OK!!??!snif"

Heather said...

I need to go look up the dozens of religious references in this video. A what ring?

Dennis said...

You know who else liked jokes? Hitler.

Unknown said...

A CTR ring, which reminds one to "Choose the Right". Always helpful. What video is this from?
Being a 25 year old male who is technically mormon and actually unmarried, I would love to track this down.

Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...


its from a movie called "The Singles Ward", which is actually kinda funny if you know the nuances of the church as they poke a little fun at them.
And the steve young bit was supposed to be something that Brigham young (of BYU collage, and yes steve is related to him) said.

/me ex-wife is mormon

Anonymous said...

unlike most vids here, this one uses contents from a commedy where Mormons poke fun at themselves, so it's not really EiT matrial IMHO

Witty Banter said...

I'd like to unblock that please...sip.

Great Vid Post!

Anonymous said...

Is it one of these rings where they can get together with and call upon Captain Planet?

Kit O'Connell said...

I think it'd be more likely to summon Captain Terrible.

Anonymous said...

been on the edge since I was 5

Anonymous said...

This is supposed to be a joke and a satire. It's a comedy, Mormons laugh at it. seriously, if you are taking your ideas about other people from stuff like this, you probably get your news from SNL

Creeto said...

"Take my wives, please."

Destination A Go-Go said...

"...was it the Mormon stuff?"


Unknown said...

I must know where this originates from.

Future Schlock said...

A movie made by Mormons, for Mormons, in which the main characters all decide at the end that a life of marriage and active Mormonism is the right path for them is a "satire." Please. I watched this movie several times through making this video, and it was not a satire, it was a gentle poke at best.

Also, we feature comedies on this website all the time.

stump said...

"Joshua! Are you ready to be'en?"

Unknown said...

yeah satire is the wrong word. the movie is barely pg. that said: I think you missed some great scenes like the car bungee jumping and the renting of Newsies uncut. Thanks for the blast from the past.

scamps said...

Satire or not...HOLY CRAP!

Anonymous said...

I thought only Christians made ridiculously cheesy movies with religious ska soundtracks.

EIT, see if you can track down "Extreme Days." I don't have it, but I think you guys would love it. It's a Christian xtreme sports/roadtrip movie.

Brandon Hays said...

Every time I get over my embarrassment at being Mormon, Halestorm "Entertainment" lays another turd.

Samantha King said...

My favorite part is the light-hearted jab at bigamy. And the Mormons who watch this chuckle softly. "It's funny 'cause it's true!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the joke's on you. This movie 'The Single's Ward' was made by Mormons to poke fun at Mormons. This post should go on fail blog.

Unknown said...

"yes, i like to UN-block mtv please from my subscriptions."

this is so bad it's funny.

stump said...

a sign that EIT has gotten big - people that don't get the humor watch the videos and criticize EIT for failing, on their comment page, or something. Anyways, Holly is SO FRICKIN HAWT!

Unknown said...

@stump i did get the video, its poking fun at mormon life, but it failed at being funny. but ironically its so bad it IS funny.

"everything is terrible" "if everything is terrible, than nothing is"

Drew said...

Oh shit. This brings back some serious memories of growing up in Provo, UT. The Mormons there are a whole different breed. They'll laugh at this, but only because they know it's so painfully true.

Jacobe said...

To people who think that this post fails, the point is obviously that mormons made this movie trying to poke fun at themselves, but they can't even do that. This movie actually shows how uptight mormons are by showing how much caution they actually put into making a movie that might actually poke some fun at mormon beliefs. Thus, everything is terrible, in a world where this is supposed to be a light-hearted comedy that ultimately convinces people that, despite their doubts and troubles, they really should "choose the right," get married, and wait to become Gods and goddesses of their own planet, by having divine sex and populating other worlds.

Anonymous said...

I was raised in a mormon church. Not as bad as it is portrayed,like you can have caffeine and nobody really cares. But still fucking crazy.

Mary said...

It's from the movie Singles Ward, and sadly, it's terrible on purpose.

Anonymous said...

*jokes about cancer* bwahaha! *joke about mormons* Crossing the line!

Anonymous said...

I'm mormon
And I think it's funny
But just so everyone realizes-
If you seriously make fun of mormons for things that you don't understand and that are sacred to us -such as the white garments we wear as underwear after we're married- I say shame on you to go that low.
If you honestly wonder about all the things we do that you think in any way are unusual, I suggest you talk and ask MORMONS about it. Because if you ask NON-MORMONS, they are just going to sabotage everything and make it seem like we're crazy. I'm just stating fact.
Ever wonder why mormons get so much more critisism than any other religion in the world, even scientology? Because where ever there is truth, there is opposition.

Anonymous said...

I was Mormon for 18 years. I know it's bull shit. There is opposition to the church because it brainwashes it's members and is centuries behind in civil rights.

scamps said...

Feb. 12 Anon. - Try being an athiest. I'd love to have "misguided" jokes made about me than constantly having to hide my lack of belief from even my closest family because of all the hatred spewed at us. Mormons may get lots of jokes about them, but they still get a pass in society because they're part of the status quo.

shodan said...

did that clip just call me a menace to society ?

...... I don't think I can handle that right now !!!

Anonymous said...

Mormon anon - Don't be so self-righteous. Everything has opposition, and not because it embodies the truth.

So come off your high horse and develop a sense of humor that allows for some self-deprecation, or leave the site (which I suspect you did anyway)

Anonymous said...

I want to get my hands on the entire movie. Where can I find it?!

James Eisert said...

Hey, where did the Steve Young comment come in? It doesn't look like part of the actual video/movie. Was that taken from somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

Hey, where did the Steve Young comment come in? It doesn't look like part of the actual video/movie. Was that taken from somewhere else?

J. Lahondere said...

My family loves this movie. We're all Mormon. Like others have said, the appeal of the movie is how it pokes fun at Mormonism itself. It's like Mel Brooks making jokes about Jewish people in his movies. It doesn't really work or make a lot of sense outside of Mormon culture (but I guess that's why it got posted here, eh?)

And the Steve Young cameo is from the movie itself. The joke is that Steve Young is quoting Brigham Young who stated that if you're over 25 and unmarried, you're a menace to society. And of course Steve Young was unmarried at the time and every Mormon knew it. So that line was delivered ironically, for the sake of humor.

The Singles Ward is on Netflix for you Mormons who haven't seen it. It's say it's the best of all the Mormon comedies out there (although that is an extremely low bar!)

Anonymous said...

I keep trying to get married, but the Mormons keep stopping me, what with Prop 8 and all that. I don't want to be a menace, Mormons!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that the woman crying about the mormon jokes was Holly in Troll 2.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Utah and actually watched this at a Mormon friend's house in the 90s while being babysat (they were Tongan and I remember thinking it was weird that they would have this because I guess I was a somewhat racist as a child). I found it pretty really corny at the time, sort of like a local theater production with a lot of inside jokes, watching it now was pure nostalgia... the clothes, the ska music, the white people, and just seeing this again. For some reason the lead actor and Ryan Reynolds have always been tied together in my mind.

Anonymous said...

ARRRGGGG STEVE YOUNG! With your smug smile and your TERRIBLE "commentating" on ESPN! GTFO out of my entertainment!!

RJ said...

Dude. That guy was in Hair on Broadway.

Caz said...

That's the way to start a good, healthy marriage; meeting someone on a hayride and getting engaged a week later. Totally.