After collecting over 30,000 Jerry Maguire VHS tapes in the last 15 years and building The Jerry Maguire Video Store; EIT!'s Jerry project is finally reaching the next level. We are in the early stages of planning The Jerry Maguire Pyramid, which is where all the Jerrys will live forever. It will be a permanent structure in the The Great American Desert. You can read about the project on The NYTimes, The Paris Review, CNN, and VICE. This joke is getting very real. 

This is the stupidest incarnation of the American Dream and it must be realized. 

Learn more about the pyramid here. 

     Pyramid designs by Bureau Spectacular 

EIT! + Jerry Maguire = Our World's Only Hope

Here at EIT!, we have a special history with the Jerry Maguire. Since 2008, we've been finding and harboring wild packs of Jerrys in their native thrift store habitat with our patented Maguirewatches, and during that time, we've started a Jerry sanctuary to preserve these sacred artifacts of our once great civilization. Our goal is to collect every single living Jerry Maguire VHS tape and deliver them to their final resting place, a pyramid in the desert, but we need your help. If you or somebody you know has a VHS copy of Jerry Maguire that needs a loving home, please donate it to us now (via USPS media mail) at:

Everything is Terrible!
P.O. Box 50825
Los Angeles, CA 90050 USA

Don't let another orphaned Jerry sit forgotten in a cold, dark bargain bin. Send it home to a pyramid in the desert, where it belongs. Bless you.


          1. Alex McNeely - 1478
          2. The Jerry Syndicate - 1125
          3. Totally Patty - 600
          4. The First Place Coolguys - 570
          5. Moose & Squirrel & Friends - 486
          6. Team Doom - 446
          7. Belcourt Theatre - 455
          8. Jeff Swanson - 359
          9. BloodyAdored - 324
          10. Mr. Mapother's Florida Home - 313
          11. Destination-a-Go-Go - 260
          12. Bron Sage & Friends - 245
          13. Nick Coers - 225
          14. Toby Keith Urban - 218
          15. Superbody - 215
          16. Gila Teen - 214
          17. Philip Conroy - 208
          18. Landon & Dinunzio Attorneys at Flaw - 204
          19. Brad and Phil - 200
          20. Travis & Trina- 181
          21. cdirt - 180
          22. Jesse Thompson - 166
          23. Shaun and Sarah - 161
          24. Caleb MakeLove - 160
          25. Sun-Ray Cinema - 159
          26. Tom Rombouts - 150
          27. Ted Trager - 150
          28. Kaylan Mitchell - 148
          29. Joseph William Simmons - 140
          30. Mika & James - 139
          31. Austin Karp - 139
          32. Those Who Wander - 139
          33. Dennis Jenkins - 137
          34. Elizabeck Paredes - 135
          35. Pizazz! and Hags! - 134
          36. Track Attack! - 133
          37. Paula Guthat - 128
          38. Laura Keeney & Carson Pelo - 128
          39. qk - 125
          40. Abertooth Lincoln - 120 
          41. George Bush's Yu-gi-oh! - 114
          42. Pam Christensen - 106
          43. Nik Jacobs - 104
          44. Kate McNamee - 102
          45. Drunkle Phil & The Trash People - 102
          46. Tony Northside - 101
          47. Jon Monat - 100
          48. LOSERS↓ - 100
          49. Paige and Alex - 100
          50. Becky & Kyle - 97
          51. JONATHAN WIDRO - 95
          52. Lesley and Scott - 91
          53. Craig and Danny - 82
          54. Jerry Poppin' Daddies - 81
          55. Fashion Jerk - 76
          56. Ravenhallow - 75
          57. The Boulangers - 75
          58. Jay Strode - 74
          59. Michael June - 71
          60. WOOD -71
          61. Emily Irwin - 70
          62. Brians Markey - 69
          63. Charles Weaver - 69
          64. Justin Klenk - 67
          65. Barbarian Rage Podcast - 66
          66. Teal Deer - 65
          67. Reed Zephier - 64
          68. Xander - 63
          69. Philly AIDS Thrift - 62
          70. Wayne Duane - 60
          71. Michael Sonovic
          72. Kevin Taylor - 59
          73. Gig Tapes - 59
          74. Gus's Pizza - 58
          75. Eric - 57
          76. Frankie Crescioni - 57
          77. Erin Korris - 57
          78. Jam Squad - 56
          79. Capt. Blo - 56
          80. Trevor Clifford - 56
          81. tto - 55
          82. Reid and Stephanie - 55
          83. Prosper Lost - 55
          84. Bret and Pete - 54
          85. The Permit Group - 53
          86. Will Wagner - 52
          87. Dabos - 52
          88. biruboto - 51 
          89. Patches McGhee - 51
          90. Doug in PA - 49
          91. Steve and Hannah - 47 
          92. Alex + Paige Fletcher - 47
          93. Veronica Trapani - 46
          94. Vanpire Chronicles - 46
          95. Devon - 45
          96. Mark Lee - 45
          97. Johnny Barrett - 43
          98. Fair Day Techno Parade 43
          99. Nicholas Gniadek - 43
          100. Tall Bike Tommy - 43
          101. Jim Parcel - 42
          102. Kristie Garvin - 42
          103. Adam Trash - 42
          104. Jack Shaughnessy - 42
          105. James Patrick Thomas - 41
          106. Dhariq Juursqu/Tjaar Mescu - 40
          107. Wolf Dawg Marlow - 40
          108. Neightduke - 40
          109. Brian Kelly - 39
          110. Mellowcheddar - 39 
          111. The Crafty Mofos - 38
          112. Ryan King - 38
          113. Charles Peckham - 38
          114. D - 38
          115. Robert Fredick - 38
          116. The Miami Diamond Roller Girls - 37
          117. Bikini Mafia - 37
          118. Anthony Lamitina - 37
          119. Carolyn - 37
          120. Ben "Duane" Osuna - 36
          121. Linc and Drake - 36
          122. Kelly - 36
          123. P'rry Drew - 36
          124. Kelly - 36
          125. Declan S. Keefe - 36
          126. Brandon Brewer - 36
          127. Mr. James Thomas - 36
          128. LRPARK - 35
          129. Tony Mills - 35
          130. Patrick Proctar - 35
          131. KyKy Vanderpump - 34
          132. Estudio Vitrina - 34
          133. Forbes from NC 27284 - 34
          134. Disfit86 - 33
          135. Mace Industries - 33
          136. Michael Boggs - 33
          137. Mike d/TQR&R - 33
          138. The Wasn't - 33
          139. Maximum Lame - 32
          140. Rob - 32
          141. In Memory of Henry P Cat - 32
          142. Travis Neal -32
          143. Michael Jonathan Maxwell - 31
          144. Nihilist - 31
          145. Corwin Parker - 31
          146. Declan - 31
          147. Ericka Burleigh - 31
          148. Thadeus Buttons - 30
          149. Trax N Wax - 30
          150. TVNutboy - 30 
          151. Andrew Hintzen - 30
          152. Chelsea Bingiel - 30
          153. Eddie Bridges - 30
          154. Justin K Comer - 30
          155. Chase Coney - 30 
          156. Nik Caesar - 30
          157. Fenley - 29
          158. Maria and Anthony - 29
          159. Shaun McGrath - 28
          160. Bruce Longo - 28
          161. LOSERS ↑ - 28
          162. K. Kitkowski- 27
          163. CHAVEZ/D'ANGELO - 27
          164. Ryan Ubias - 27
          165. Dano mofuckin combs yo - 27
          166. Lauren Baumann - 27
          167. Deal Metzget - 27
          168. Tim Getting - 27
          169. Adam Kaiser & Jane Guberud - 27
          170. Andrew Matovina - 27
          171. Alan Weber - 27
          172. Asher Ernsberger & Andrew George - 26
          173. eafngot - 26
          174. Richard Vitamanti - 26
          175. CHW - 26
          176. Gabriel and Malik - 26
          177. The Brandy Brunch - 25
          178. Eric Windt - 25
          179. Myles Oppermann - 25
          180. Jordan Martin - 25
          181. Nicholas Leon - 25
          182. C1 - 25
          183. Hawaiian - 24
          184. Ed & Mak - 24
          185. Gallo - 24
          186. Steph Sugar & Dan Gutierrez - 24
          187. Grimelda & Co. aka "The Jerry Christmas Tour Collective''
          188. 23 Wolves - 23
          189. Steve + Syd - 23
          190. Brooks Allison - 22
          191. Sandi Fontenot - 22
          192. Team Poodles - 21
          193. Chic-a-go-go - 21
          194. Caleb Darnell - 21
          195. Joel Fennimore - 21
          196. Casey and Lita - 21
          197. William Blase - 21
          198. Chris "Grandpa Claws" Radey - 21
          199. Versiris - 21
          200. Video Central + Chris - 20
          201. Team Cedrick - 20
          202. Frankie Barnes - 20
          203. TAG - 20
          204. Monica Daniels - 20
          205. Caleb Brasher (for Class President) - 20
          206. R. Phillip Provencio - 20
          207. Role Playing Public Radio - 19
          208. The Mormons - 18
          209. Giddeon and Skibbles - 18
          210. Kevin Misiuda - 18
          211. Brady Daley - 18
          212. Caleb Brasher - 18
          213. Madison Forbes - 17
          214. Elizabeth Halbrook - 17
          215. Andrew Hartman - 17
          216. Gurer Gundondu - 17
          217. Emi from DTV - 17
          218. Jamie Carpenter & Ross Payne - 17 
          219. Cory - 17
          220. Graham Moore - 17
          221. Matt Tedrow - 17
          222. The jift Corporation - 17
          223. South of Ridiculous - 17
          224. Rick Nordeen - 16
          225. Troy Jones & Jeremy Clark - 16
          226. Sophia Tarabicos - 16
          227. Lisa Santangelo - 15
          228. Erica Jennings - 15
          229. Travis McQuarter - 15
          230. Keifer Dallison - 15
          231. Alex Biellawski - 15
          232. Derick Shular - 15
          233. Ostrom - 15
          234. Counting Stars LLC - 15
          235. Heather Welborn - 15
          236. S + A - 15
          237. Daddy Bing Bong Head - 15
          238. Slea - 14
          239. Adam Morgan - 14
          240. Rachel McPadden - 14
          241. Team HEINTJE!!! - 14
          242. Don Jeremy - 14
          243. Dan - 14
          244. Peter Rinaldi - 14
          245. Ulyssess Canton - 14
          246. Trey Koger - 14
          247. Pupchuli - 14
          248. Jacob Curtis - 14
          249. T.J. & Allison - 13
          250. Daniel Spilatro - 13
          251. Lexington Film League - 13
          252. John Phillips - 13 
          253. Ethan and Ashley Brehm - 13
          254. Sarah Evans - 13
          255. Molly Brown - 13
          256. Eddie Ramos - 13
          257. Dante Graziani - 13
          258. Erik Hodgins - 13
          259. Mike Duffield - 12 
          260. Greg Ochaba - 12
          261. The Cox Family - 12
          262. Da Bos - 12
          263. Jamie Hott - 12
          264. Gus Tyson - 12
          265. Jared Busch - 12
          266. David Hall - 12
          267. Meatclown - 12
          268. Steve Norris - 11
          269. Kevin Best - 11
          270. MagWHYre we doing this? - 11
          271. Carson Story & Ross Wagenhofer - 11
          272. Travis McQuater - 11
          273. Josh F. and Lauren L. - 11
          274. Mike and Kate - 11
          275. Ben and Connie Berg - 11
          276. Ronald Cates - 11
          277. Travis Plamp -11
          278. John Maruschak - 11
          279. The Where's Jim Band - 11
          280. Bri Bri Pizzazz & Hags - 11
          281. Bert Terrific - 11
          282. B. Villa - 11
          283. Christopher Schultz - 10
          284. Kevin Carlton - 10
          285. Curtis Byrne - 10
          286. Brendan Larkin -10
          287. Judy Nanney - 10
          288. Cole Corey - 10
          289. TED - 10
          290. The Electric Bastards - 10 
          291. Cal Steele - 10
          292. Linda Ackerman - 10
          293. David "Anarchy" Chang - 10'
          294. Chase Barrow - 10
          295. Frances Ebick - 10
          296. Joseph Fantozzi - 10
          297. Stephen Matejka- 10
          298. Sondre HeimGundersen - 10
If you donated 10 or more Jerrys and you're not on the leader board, email us at everythingisterriblelive at gmail with your name and total donation!