Thursday, March 11, 2010


Don't listen to the experts; listen to old people!


Anonymous said...

They're all dead now.

Anonymous said...

"The Beardstown Ladies, those homespun, grandmotherly investors whose supposed success created a mini-industry, are being called frauds. ... the annual return during the decade covered in the book -- which the ladies put at 23.4% -- 'includes the dues that the members pay regularly.'

Oops, that's not the way it's done.

It would mean their total returns were nowhere near as robust as claimed and would probably spell the end of the little industry the investment club has spawned."

(Los Angeles Times, February 28, 1998)

Heather said...

No frozen pies for THIS investor!!

mcsandwich said...

Other examples in this video:

Investing in mutual funds is as easy as cleaning your dentures!

Setting up your 401k is as easy as changing your adult diaper!

Anonymous said...

Eat the profits. Have a heart attack. Lose your savings paying the hospital bill. The metaphor works!

Anonymous said...

Way to be a dick and cut off the video before I can get that recipe.

HV said...

Aw, they're sweet. Encouraging the mass transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich that is stock market investing, but sweet.

Anonymous said...

that looks like a good apple pie

Anonymous said...

Oh, I miss those elderly frauds.

Turns out their actual returns were generally lower than the S&P during the 80s and early 90s.

Anonymous said...

no comprendo

Anonymous said...

Baking a pie is fairly difficult, actually.

Jesse said...

i love this video

Anonymous said...

God, I love metaphors.

Anonymous said...

The pie looks a little icky, actually.

Samantha King said...

I say we build a fan site for these elderly entrepreneurs on Facebook, and see if we can get Loren Michales to let them host Saturday Night Live!

Anonymous said...

if its a bull market, be sure to eat you're prunes sink washed with granmdas famous roast beef on the trading pan.

if its a bear market have the napkins ready for your broker coming over for fried mashed corn chicken gravy grizzly canada

Anonymous said...

if its a bull market, be sure to eat you're prunes sink washed with granmdas famous roast beef on the trading pan.

if its a bear market have the napkins ready for your broker coming over for fried mashed corn chicken gravy grizzly canada