That is perhaps the most disturbing/hilarious/terrible thing ever posted on this site.
However, do you think you could do a version without so much editing? It kind of ruined it, IMO. I'm sure it's just as creepy, if not more, without it.
I feel like that cat furry suit was an actual furry suit. Not like a regular old animal costume you use for asexual purposes like kids' birthday parties - I mean an actual, actual furry costume, that actual furries use to have actual furry sex with other actual furries.
I mean, just look at it.. enticing...I'm going to Paul's Backyard.
Dude needs to get his self a van. Luring kids into your backyard is a one way ticket to your cell mates jumping boot first onto your head from the top bunk. It's like he wants to get caught.
I'm pretty sure that old man puppet was spankin' it...
That's like some primo j/o material if you're a furry.
EIT + Morning Coffee = Spew, again.
I came.
Hey, Karl Wolf got his air-keyboard action in Africa from this!
Did anyone else feel like it was going to break into that cure song A Forest at first there?
This video is even better if you imagine that there's a fat, bald man in the pink cat suit.
That is perhaps the most disturbing/hilarious/terrible thing ever posted on this site.
However, do you think you could do a version without so much editing? It kind of ruined it, IMO. I'm sure it's just as creepy, if not more, without it.
Daniel said: "That is perhaps the most disturbing/hilarious/terrible thing ever posted on this site."
Hear, hear. More of this sort of thing, more, more, MORE!
Paul's co-stars include a giant pink cat and a masturbating elderly man, yet he still manages to be the creepiest of the three.
I can't wait for the sequels, "Paul's Station Wagon" and "Paul's Soundproof Playroom Behind the Trap Door in the Closet."
HA! Brilliant.
I feel like that cat furry suit was an actual furry suit. Not like a regular old animal costume you use for asexual purposes like kids' birthday parties - I mean an actual, actual furry costume, that actual furries use to have actual furry sex with other actual furries.
I mean, just look at it.. enticing...I'm going to Paul's Backyard.
Dude needs to get his self a van. Luring kids into your backyard is a one way ticket to your cell mates jumping boot first onto your head from the top bunk. It's like he wants to get caught.
I almost had a seizure
I'd rather watch the entire episode of Paul's Backyard rather than this edited piece.
That pink kitty is hawt
the old man blew his load at 1:04
This got taken down...
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