Monday, January 24, 2011


It's true! Even if you are a magazine cut-out, a Little Person, or trapped inside a TV, there's a job for you on the internet!


William said...

I'm lost. Search engines? I"m gonna have to take some notes for this.

derek said...

it's more likely than you think.


I love old tech videos like this :D thanks EIT!

Voe said...

So the black guy has no clue how the internet works and the white guy is just looking up info on investing and banjos left and right? This video is racist beyond words.

Tuck Fhe W-2 said...

It's all about the 1099 and having your own company. Slave wages are a joke!

Unknown said...

Rachel Maddows first job!

Anonymous said...

Why would a 12 year old boy with half a mullet look for a job on the internet?

Anonymous said...

I think the black guy in the TV was about ready to slap the shit out of that computer nerd.

"I just need a job, muthafucka!"

Ravenhallow said...

I want to see more of this one! I do love the "what's an email?" and horrible "surfing" comments in these older tech videos. Makes you realize how much things have changed in how short a time.. and y'know, they're hilariously awkward.

Anonymous said...

Just go to and search "jobs". That sounds like a useful, targeted search.

Anonymous said...

You must be more specific with your search, like "blowjob, rimjob, handjob, or child care job"

...or perhaps become a member of the clergy and get them all?

M.E. said...

Agreed with Ravenhallow, when will the horrible "surfing" puns end? They just get worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

1. Anyone else catch the N'Sync in there?

2. They couldn't pay an out of work construction worker to do this?

Anonymous said...

The only career I'm interested in now is becoming a paper cut-out lady.

blah said...

That teenage girl got pube bangs and all! WTF?!

Anonymous said...

I recognize that girl, I think she grew up and became an actress. And that black guy reminds me of "Ryan" from the new version of V. Any ideas about those two?

Anonymous said...

That paper lady's on the cover of Time magazine; I don't think she needs a crappy internet job.

Merril Lynch Stock Broker said...

Jobs? Hourly Wages? Meh. I'd rather execute a call option and buy a whole round lot (yes a WHOLE ROUND LOT) of MiTel Networks Closed-End Investment IPO than work for a boss ever again. Yes, I'd end up having realized losses because of the poor structuring of their company and probably won't be able to get any dividend income or capital gains taxes to pay, but it's way better than kissing some bosses ass just to get a pay raise. Or maybe I'll just stick with American Depository Receipts. Companies in Switzerland perhaps?

zach said...

The girl is Tania Raymonde, better known as Alex Rousseau from LOST. Other than that, such a gem of a video.

Pudding said...

I think the message to be taken away from this is that gay actors are clueless about technology. I could be wrong, I was busy taking notes.

Anonymous said...

I was just caught watching this video at work, and I got fired.

Oh well, I guess I'll YAHOO! 'Jobs' and find another job in no time.

Thank you internet, and thank you EiT for getting me fired!

Anonymous said...

I keep expecting the playskool construction worker to say "Gay Luigi?"

charlie cam said...
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charlie cam said...
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Anonymous said...

The girl in the video is my wife, no joke, and she is NOT Tania Raymonde.