Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Learn karate from a white guy who learned from a real Asian!

Sensei Nobu may be a black belt karate master, but he can't draw for shit.

Thanks to Guillermo in Tuscon for the tape!


Torin Golding said...

Crimson sausage???

MrsBonBon said...

Sometimes it just fucking hurts to watch.

Les said...

The hair streak was never okay.

Kristilrose said...

I wish my Karate class was like that. My sensei is all like.... FANCY HIGH KICKS DON'T KILL PEOPLE!!! PUNCHES DOOOOOO!!!! Then he lunges towards students screaming. we don't even get a comic book featuring us, or crimson sausage.

Alex said...


Igwell said...

Sensai Skunkboy

Anonymous said...

That truly earned the awesome label. I kept expecting Jason David Frank to show up. YO!

Anonymous said...

Never knew Leisure Suite Larry knew Karate!

Ravenhallow said...

Dojo Mojo with Scotty Karate! YO!

Anonymous said...

Black belts karate master!


Why was Canada a tag?

Unknown said...

@FITZSIMMONS: Tommy Nitro is Canadian. He has a very telling 'sorry.'

Phineas86 said...

The early '00s was a great time for back-to-basics karate.

Anonymous said...

"Is that us!?" hella meta bro!

fdfdma said...


Anonymous said...

@Les - the hair streak could be genetic. But my money is on a strip of bleached troll doll hair, surgically grafted to his scalp.

Tom said...

"Tommy, please. We've known each other for years. You can just call me Scott."

All occurrences of Jason Mason's last name were edited out to preserve the secrets of Jubal.

Anonymous said...

Sweeney Todd?

Anonymous said...

best shit in awhile!

Sara said...

So...that little kid is Danny Masterson, right?

Some Guy said...

Everything truly is terrible...

Anonymous said...

Brodo, or "Way of the Bro", has been practiced in Japan for centuries.