Monday, April 04, 2011


Exciting news in Terribleland! We've invited several people whose work we admire to join the EIT! family as guest bloggers. We'll reveal the full details once all the contracts are signed and the Jerrys exchanged, but in the meantime, let's get started!

First up is renowned supercutist and gifmaster Rich Juzwiak from FourFour. If you are not familiar with the name, you most likely have seen his videos which include I'm Not Here to Make Friends, Mirror Scares, Country Hip Hop Dancing, Bella Dancerella, and the Marky Mark Workout among many, many more.

Today, Rich brings us the divine wackness of DC Talk! (Go here to read Rich's full writeup.)


MC Oral B said...

Beautiful job. But I have to remind everyone that in the early to mid nineties, the "butt bump" was every bit as macho and platonic as the "chest bump" is today. Oh yeah, the "dick grab" as well.

Dragon Sound said...

You know what DC Talk loves? Rap music.

fdfdma said...


no eit logo at the end?

Anonymous said...

Kanye at the end. :D

Ravenhallow said...

Also pretty doggone homoerotic. My little PK heart is all aflutter - pretty sure I was given one or two of their tapes as a kid, but in my atheist adulthood I now realize they were studmuffins with a taste for each-others drumsticks. Rawr.

Unknown said...

I keep a plastic Jesus in my fanny pack everywhere I go.

Unknown said...

Two of my favorites together :-)
Don't forger the Liza Minelli video

Henry_Slinkman said...

You have forgotten Rich's best contribution to mankind ever - WINSTON.

Anonymous said...

AGREED. More Winston. PRAISE WINSTON. Even when he gives the stink eye.

Mitch said...

Christian Fishbone...terrible.

Anonymous said...

Oh man... I grew up listening to these guys (post EXTREME CHRISTIAN RAP phase, I guess???). Beautiful!

MC Oral B said...

I possibly misspoke in an earlier comment assuming these videos were from the early to mid nineties. Factoring in the christian element into the equation, it's more likely that these music videos were made last year.

Unknown said...

@Anonymous: Added! I thought it was missing something.

Kit O'Connell said...

This was my first introduction to Four-Four Blog and I have to say I am impressed by his work. Thanks for inviting him, EIT!

Anonymous said...

These guys actually made a rock record a few years later, and it was kinda good for a Christian music album. In fact, it won a couple of Grammys, and sold 5 or 6 million copies. It even got a lot of airplay on rock stations and MTV.

Anonymous said...

The last guy is right. As ridiculous as that video is they went on to win four Grammy's, write the most famous Christian song of all time, and hit #16 on the Billboard charts. Not even the Christian charts...the regular one.