Monday, April 11, 2011


Today's guest blogger is Chris Ward, formerly at Worst Cartoons Ever and currently at World of Ward Crap. You might remember him from these two little gems.

Now he's back with tales of corporate compliance...

...and a blatant rip-off of Leprechaun in the Hood.


Operator Overload said...

This man is a genius. You're hired!

Ravenhallow said...

Also JC's "hood" featured some of the whitest black people I have ever heard. I LOVE DRUUUGS!

Anonymous said...

David Simon's The Wire: the structural power of US capitalism to marginalize the black working class.

Jesus Christ Ghetto Star: all those black people sure do love their drugs.

Anonymous said...

guys your front page is all wack, Vibrations is in Army for kids, Doubt is all over the place, and other nonsense

Unknown said...

@Anonymous: Everything looks as it should on my end. Try refreshing the page.

Chris Ward said...

This is the most exciting day of my once pathetic life. I AM REBORN! Can't wait to submit some brand new stuff to my favorite site of all time and give you all stomach aches.

C. Wardcrap

Anonymous said...

Bless you, mural painting of Frederick Douglass.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Perry: The early years.

QuintN said...

The ending of that first one was just perfect for my day. I live in Madison, and earlier today I stopped at the capitol to see Sarah Palin, for the novelty. I didn't stay long enough to see her (unexpected snow drove the weak-interested away) but I did get hear some gems from some of the other republican speakers, including a description of Sarah Palin as "easy on the eyes."