Friday, March 25, 2011


Normally I'm against censorship, but sometimes you can't argue with the results.


Kit O'Connell said...

Somehow, at first I thought this was going to be about marijuana growing.

His worm-like chin braid was hypnotic

Unknown said...

Snakes On A Mother Loving Plane is probably not safe for work.

Max said...

Melon Farmer was also used on Die Hard with a Vengeance. lol


ThefilmBug said...

I was watching Goodfellas on Ion (or one of those lame channels) this past weekend. My favorite was 'Mama luke' in place of 'motherfucker'. Almost made the censorship fun while waiting to see what they replaced the objectionable words with.
Actually there is an instance where the censored word is a funnier punch line then the obscenity. Case in point is Vacation where the Griswolds are lost in the ghetto and they ask a stereotypical pimp directions. In the uncut version he exclaims'fuck your mama!' In the safe for TV version he says " who do I look like? Christopher Columbo?" One of the funniest lines in the film that was not meant to be there!

Anonymous said...

You should do with with the cable version of "The Big Lebowski"...

"Do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the alps!!??"

Phineas86 said...

There's some Michael J. Fox movie where he wakes up to find himself handcuffed to the bed, at which point he exclaims, "Slug in a ditch! Slug in a ditch!"

9th_Sage said...

One of my favorite examples of this is in one of the "Crow" movies and a cop exclaims "Bull flipping spit!"

Anonymous said...

That hurt like fun.

Ravenhallow said...

Mighty fine.

burb2500 said...

How can you guys leave out the most obvious, and fun, example of censoring: Scarface.

"Where'd you get that scar, eating pineapple?"


Question who do they get to make these edits? Like not the writing but like would Samuel come back and record the censoring words? Or is that a voice actor?

Anonymous said...

"Hi, my name is Buck, and I like to party."

Unknown said...

Thanks for the suggestions, everybody. I'm considering making this an ongoing feature depending on how many other good TV edits I can get my hands on.

Ravenhallow said...

Let's not forget "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps."

Blue said...

Didn't a sketch on Mr. Show make fun of this phenomenon? They came up with one of my favorites ever - "You mother father Chinese dentist!"

JediJones said...

The Michael J. Fox movie where in the TV version he exclaims "slug in a ditch" is The Hard Way. Considering that a foul-mouthed James Woods is his co-star there must be a lot of other interesting profanity substitutes in there.