Thursday, March 31, 2011


One aerobics montage followed by another followed by an aerobics themed sex scene followed by another. This movie sent me straight to bonertown.


Dragon Sound said...

Well, thank goodness some sun tanning burn victim isn't trying to kill everyone this time.

Also, the mustachioed guy's delivery sounded like Norm MacDonald, but, you know, with more 'roids.

Jack E. Jett said...

I so miss Aerobathons and subtle homoerotic scenes.

Anonymous said...

Wow...this WAS terrible!

MrsBonBon said...

Best week ever I hope a new dvd is on its way.

Anonymous said...

This movie needs to be turned into a hit Broadway play.

ThefilmBug said...

The 80's-when no one was sexy.

Anonymous said...

Well, they were 'differently sexed', I would say...

brimcp19 said...

The WORST so far!! The strap on sunglasses look like something Kanye West should bring back.

fdfdma said...

very impressed by the vids lately EIT nice job!!

Anonymous said...

Aerobithon? I don't think they are built for cardio.

Unknown said...

Thanks, fdfdma!

Greg said...

It only took me a min 25 to cum to this one! record! PULSEBEAT!!!!!!

Ravenhallow said...

Deliciously homoerotic. AEROBITHON!

Anonymous said...

Hiz bunz look like an onion in a Cuisin Hart....

fupu said...

Watching "Pulsebeat" makes me feel like an archeologist trying to decipher cryptic messages of a lost civilization, aka The 1980s. "The Book of the Dead" makes more sense than this.

Anonymous said...

Aerobathon. Wow. The 80s truly was the decade of complete and utter absurdity on every possible front.

Donna said...

This is so awesome, it's almost impossible.