Monday, March 21, 2011


This tape is meant to make you rich by selling your funniest home videos to that show 'America's Funniest People.' Joe Flaherty kills a dude. Oh yeah, NSFW.


Anonymous said...

Dogs wearing SUNGLASSES?! Now I've seen EVERYTHING!

...oh, wait...

Bigfoot RAPING a woman in the ASS?! Now I've really seen EVERYTHING!

...and it's all terrible.

Ravenhallow said...

Everybody knows bigfoot dong is a favourite of studio audiences.

film a combs said...

is that the 'jackass' guy from happy gilmore?

Anonymous said...

@ Film a combs :

Yes, that's Joe Flaherty...recreating his role of Count Floyd from SCTV...

Anonymous said...


Judson said...

It seemed like pretty practical advice for getting on a lame found-footage show...

...until the crypto-zoological-inter-species-boot-knockin' started going down. I don't remember that being big in the 90s.

And maybe some kinda NSFW tag on this video? Almost watched it at a library.

Ghoul Skool said...

Will do, Justin!

Unknown said...

I rarely see a comment from one of the EIT crew and you don't even get "Justin's" name right. Sad.

Unknown said...

My only question is what is the name of that movie at the end... MUST.. KNOW!!


I was not expecting that end.. at all

Anonymous said...

That was really disturbing.

I mean that bird must have been terrified. Really torturing an animal like that is just disturbing as all hell.

Miss Monroe said...

That wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

Unknown said...

@Johm (sp?): Personally I don't comment very often because I don't really have anything to say about the videos that I didn't say in the post. I try to answer questions when I can but honestly I didn't really think there was a demand for comments by us.

Believe it or not, I do read every comment that is posted on this site and I really enjoy seeing regular commenters like Ravenhallow, FITZSIMMONS, yourself (I always recognize your avatar) and many, many others coming back. We wouldn't keep doing this if it wasn't for you guys, so sorry if we don't express that often enough.

And Ghouly is really bad with names.

Ryan said...

I am pretty sure that is Mike White, writer for Freaks & Geeks and School of Rock, lying unconscious. This really is terrible.

Ghoul Skool said...

Thanks for the tip, Jern!

Anonymous said...

remember when Joe Flaherty used to make fun of shit like this?

Unknown said...

True story.....

I was walking in the park when a kid was trying to wake his dad who was playing dead on the ground. I noticed he had a camera, I remembered I had to film some stuff so I took his camera and ran off.

This video reminded me of that.

Anonymous said...

man, i love SCTV

Ravenhallow said...

Man, you guys actually enjoy my failed attempts at wit? Or is it like a glorious train wreck?
I stick by my words: EIT! is one of the rare few things I love that I feel truly loves me back.

Unknown said...

Are you Marty McFly? I have something for you...