Friday, October 16, 2009


Here is a taste of our show last Friday at the Music Box! Thanks Chicago!

New York City, you're next!

October 24 @ 10 pm
CMJ's L'asso Pizza Party!
Collective Hardware (169 Bowery Ave.)
RSVP here!
Make sure you come early and catch Greg Barris' The Heart of Darkness @ 8PM, without him we would not have had this show!


October 25 @ 6:30 pm
Magnet Theater (254 W. 29th St.)
More info here!
Posters by Dimitri Simakis & Dimitri Drjuchin


Anonymous said...

more kitties playing drums please

marahe said...

for reals. i could watch that cat play drums allll day.

Greg said...

oh man.

Samantha King said...

Come to Ohio! Preferably the Toledo or Columbus area.

Destination A Go-Go said...

See you guys Sunday!

...some EIT "cat" posters/prints would be pretty sweet.

Anonymous said...

Looks hilarious! And adorable!

Unknown said...

When are you coming to Baltimore?

Anonymous said...

toledo, columbus, or pittsburgh please

Anonymous said...

Needs more Boston.

Unknown said...

We want to go to all those cities. It's just a matter of scheduling and finding a venue. We'll be going to as many places as we can, so please be patient.

bvinc said...

Houston didn't get any trained cats! I'm Jealous. I'll have to try to catch another one of your shows!

Rylan Morrison said...

Please make reservations of NYC show at Magnet 212-244-8824!!! can't wait to meet you guys! -Rylan

EIT are money grubbing whores! said...

the video of the chicago show really was terrible. The show itself and the video about it. Don't you want people to show up and spend their hard-earned money to watch your horrible hack-job edits of mind-numbing old videos in person?
grade = F

Anonymous said...

That last comment was really lame. EIT is doing a great job all around and the video about the show was tops! I Everyone I know loves the site and I bet the live show is awesome, too.

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