Maryjean contacted EIT recently to let us know that she saw our little mash-up on television... and that she is a big fan of our work! "It's hilarious!" she said. "Bang-up job"
Maryjean liked our compilation so much, she is even sending us a copy of her follow-up video, "Dog Massage", so we can make a sequel.
As you know, we don't get celebrity endorsements often, so when we do, we don't take them lightly. Especially when they come from a copyright-holder with a sense of humor and a heart of gold. We love you Maryjean!
Please visit Maryjean's site www.catmassage.com to buy the full-length version of Cat Massage (you can even get it dubbed in German) and many other wonderful products.
And for those of you living under a rock: here's the post that started this beautiful relationship.
Dog massage?!?! I'm going to explode with happiness! Thanks for being a good sport, Mary Jean!
Mary Jean rocks!
The cat in that video looks exactly my cat. That's probably the only reason I sat through the whole thing.
nice job Lehr!
A Major Whisker Watch is now in full effect.
"Who's the best cat-masseuse in the whole United States? It's YOU, Mary Jane Ballner...it's YOU!"
Woops...I mean Mary JEAN...guess you know where my mind was...
Yeah, she rules now!
Obama needs to appoint her Cat Massage Czar(ina).
What a good sport! Thanks Mary Jean, you're awesome!
Thank god. Mary Jean isn't an idiot like all the record labels/ movie companies. She knows she's more likely to sell more copies with exposure than by sending a cease and desist.
wow! I can't believe one of the original creators is smart, inventive and understands how this whole "internet" works!
wow. thats so awesome!! ha
This is great! Her videos are like a vacation for the VCR, and ourselves.
It's refreshing see that she has a sense of humor, as well as being a top-notch cat masseur!
Nice lady. Can I get a massage, please?
I actually felt a little bad about laughing at the Cat Massage clips because you can tell from watching it that the lady is sweet and wonderful and genuinely loves her cat. There is absolutely no cynicism in the video at all. What a great person.
I'm so glad she was able to take the video in a good way. Props to you Mary jane!
What a cool lady! She has to know that being nice and humorous will sell those AWESOME videos.
You have to click over and see the awesome cat massage header photo on her site! LOL!
It's great to know that she has a sense of humor and enjoyed it and wasn't like those OTHER people that make you take down videos. I like ya even more, Mary Jean!
ps. I have actually given my friends cat a massage, just because of the video. It works!
Truly motivational to hear somebody seeking after their fantasies and getting to be noticeably effective as opposed to taking after the customary way.
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