Now for a couple of announcements!
I Airwave Ranger will be screening some EIT exclusive gems at our good friend Greg Barris' show Heart of Darkness this Saturday in New York City! Y'all should come!

Heart of Darkness: Better and Better is THIS SATURDAY, the 20th, 8pm at Union Hall.
Featuring Joe Derosa, Matt McCarthy, Music by The Forgiveness featuring Corrupt Autopilot, Aerial East and NEW BEARD and SPECIAL SECRET GUEST!
TICKETS: ($8 advance/$10 door)
HOD on facebook
ALSO THIS SATURDAY IN CHICAGO! For all you people that are CRAZY about ART, come see my photo in the amazing group show WHAT IF...

You promised a two-minute masterpiece but you delivered a three-minute nightmare.
Warning: thinking of sexy fireworks will induce seizures.
I hope I didn't have to see the first Black Spring Break to follow the plot of Part 2....
@Anonymous: It doesn't matter really. Black Spring Break 1 was infinitely superior to Black Spring Break 2. There is no comparison.
the alarm clock has a battery back up? They've thought of EVERYTHING(isterrible)(.com)!
I admit, I was a bit surprised when the fakey Voodoo lady whipped out a European broadsword.
Uncomfortable big brother is uncomfortable.
And awkward too.
Man, Black Spring Break is back again and those homies 'aint lost a beat! That first one in Tuscaloosa was a bit rough, but now they got enough rubbers for the whole WNBA! Cheryl Stokes (is that a WNBA star?), you betta watch out!
"Pacific Islander Spring Break 3" was better.
I prefer "Tranny Eskimo Spring Break"...well, at least parts I and III.
A) The rubber ducky hats were for...
B) He admitted he was a virgin because...
O_O.... :O
LOL, crazy video. though this was about the Event
That woman appeared to be wearing nothing but a white g-string, a small t-shirt and (I'm going to assume) a look of shame. Where in sweet Idaho did that hand-cannon come from??
equal to godfather2 as the greatest sequal ever made.
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