Sunday, May 22, 2011


Guys, the Rapture has begun and it will be 5 more months of torment under the rule of King Jesus. Probably should have posted this sooner.


Jesus Hernandez said...

It's not too late, all of us who were left behind get to enjoy! =)

gottago said...

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Don't you like the UK EIT? :(

Dongo said...

I want to fly through space with my cat.

Unknown said...

I made it. Sorry none of you could join me. The connection here is AWESOME!

Laurel said...

Is that music from Willow? Or at least composed by James Horner?

Anonymous said...

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

Come oon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, gottago and Anon, we didn't upload this one so we can't control the country restrictions. You can blame Al Gore for this one.

gottago said...

Silly Al Gore.

Greg said...

why is EIT being invaded by the agenda of AL GORE!!!! the capitalization of TERRIBLE will be your own undoing!!!!

Henry_Slinkman said...

Al Gore must've assumed that such primitive countries like the UK would never catch up when he invented the internet. That, or he got distracted by that "sex poodle" stuff I keep hearing about...