Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Hemlock said...

A true ninja never kills. He eliminates, which is a LOT like killing, unless you're talking about pooping; because that's gross. But ninjas do it silently.

Also, I think I've seen this one, unless there were two movies featuring white mustachioed ninjas. Weren't the badguy's threatening missives delivered by a toy robot carrying a VHS tape? You'd think EIT! would be all over that.

Mitch said...


I think American Ninja had a mustache in one of the sequels.

Anonymous said...

The guy at the end was like "Hey let's talk Ninja" and the Ninja was all "As if!" and then he threw Ninja Star in the guys chest, whom then went "What?! I just wanted to talk!"

All in all, a great family movie, would recommend for children.

Anonymous said...

I liked the part where they mentioned ninjas.

Ravenhallow said...

I demand a mustache tag for this 'un! It is deservingly bristly.

Also, didn't know you could kill a guy with caltrops like that. It's like death by thumbtacks.

Anonymous said...

He's NOT a Ninja!

Anonymous said...

Yes he is!

Anonymous said...

A good thing he had his bright white camouflague on, otherwise the bad guy wouldn't have had to say "Ninja? Ninja!" as much.

Also, I like when the head villain died, he sort of shrugged...hope I'm bad ass enough to do that when a ninja eventually comes to eliminate me.

...and, did he break the fourth wall there at the end? Wow, is there anything a ninja can't do?

Christopher said...

It blows my mind that both Django and Angel Eyes played Ninjas.

I'm surprised you didn't even give people a hint of the joy that is Sigfried, the hook-handed near-midget. He made the movie!

Although I did watch Bulletproof on the strength of the three minute movie you guys did only to realize that you'd put everything interesting in those three minutes and the other 90 minutes are pretty much just filler.

So it's good to leave some things for the people who go out and watch this one, which I recommend you all do.

Unknown said...

Ninjas were more prevalent than female suit shoulder pads during the 80s.

Honestly, if you said ninja, one would appear. You just weren't sure if you'd be getting a Chuck Norris or Michael Dudikoff.


Crap... I summoned Vanilla Ice again.

Anonymous said...

Martial arts movies are terrible, not that this probably has anything to do with that...

Richard Whittall said...

This came before Enter the Dragon, yes? Yes.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the training montage to the tune "Unchained Melody".

Anonymous said...

@Hemlock: The VHS carrying robot was not in this movie, but now I must find it!

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't want a ninja? I mean honestly.

I want one.

They have been known to be dicks though from time to time.

randomgadget said...

First name : Ninja
Last Name : Ninja
Occupation : Ninja
Gender : Ninja

Dragon Sound said...

I always wanted to know the origin story behind the original Brawny paper towel guy.

Ravenhallow said...

Dear EIT!,

Thank you for the Mustache tag.

Love, love, love,

Anonymous said...

The white camouflage serves the same purpose at day time in the city, that a black camouflage does at night time, or a green would play in the forest or the joungle etc.

Who played the role of the ninja dressed in white during the last fighting scene ( the one that did all the acrobatics )?