Tuesday, August 24, 2010


People, PEOPLE! Listen up.

Zack Carlson and the famous ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE are giving us a fucking gift this Saturday specifically for the one and only EVERYTHING IS FESTIVAL!!! You simply cannot watch this trailer and not compulsively buy a ticket to Los Angeles. There's just no other option. Seriously, 99 times out of a hundred we make those 2 Minute Movies because watching them in their entirety is like having your eyes gouged out by a trance DJ, mid set. Not this one, though. From the first frame to the glorious last this thing sums up everything that is Everything Is Terrible! It's simply a one-of-a-kind gem-bone.


Anonymous said...

oh my God, that is the dorkiest black I have EVER seen

Anonymous said...

whoops, I meant to say "black guy", now I look racist

Unknown said...

If you enjoyed this title our database also recommends: Ichi the Killer

Digeridude said...

OMIGAD omigad omigad omigad...

Anonymous said...

Her friend from school is H.P. Lovecraft?

negrofrankenstein said...

Maybe I'm doin something wrong, but I can't find this movie on the Alamo calendar, and when I called the Drafthouse they had no idea what I was talking about! What's going on?

Unknown said...

This movie is playing Saturday at the Silent Movie Theatre, presented by the Alamo.

Ravenhallow said...

Damn that's some awesome awful awkward.

Anonymous said...


The Manchenes said...

Just because everyone deserves to see this gem, you can apparently order it directly from Y.K. Kim's web site for $29.95. There are several inspirational DVDs made by Kim that are WAY more expensive, but when you have a film that offers "mind-blowing life advice" (and "neck gore"), I'm not sure how much more inspirational you can get. OmiGOD OmiGOD OmiGOD OmiGOD...

Anonymous said...

---> http://www.ykkim.com/

Anonymous said...

Wow you can see the boom mic at the beginning when Asshole McBeardy face punches that gangly long faced nerd. They're acting makes Uwe Boll movies look like Scorses films.

Neekomax said...

1:36 - Kid Rock is showing some serious improv taunting skillz.

Gnomebitten said...

Man, I can't find this movie anywhere. Really is a rare gem innit?