Monday, August 16, 2010


We have a lot of laughs here (allegedly), but it can be easy to forget that these are all real people with real emotions. For that, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Hopefully this guilt trip will show you the error of your ways.

Thanks again to Jim Lauwers for the tape!



Anonymous said...

oh, fuck.. this was the theme song of a day camp i went to back in the day. supposedly it was a camp that specialized in preventing bullying and making everyone equal. we had pow-wows and flew eagles around when we sang this (yes, the entire song). the camp was in fact a place for rich, snobby kids. who laughed at other kids a lot.

VonSandwich said...

Oh my GOD, they played this on the morning announcements in 5th grade... They showed pictures of kids with disabilities and stuff. It made me sad when I watched it then. Not so much now.

Igwell said...

But I always laugh at the antics of Alf. He's a panic.

Anonymous said...

that was 100% fucking hilarious

what was the clip of the naked purple lady from?

Anonymous said...

I never considered bullying anyone before, but that song made it sound so attractive! The short, the tall, the fat, the guitar-playing--so many easy targets! Thanks, EIT! **gives you a cyber-swirlie in gratitude**

Gnomebitten said...

There needs to be a Duane tag. I need to go through and count all the times he's blessed a video like this one.

Also which video was the hersute Jerry Seinfeld lookin' naked guy? I seriously don't remember that.

Unknown said...



The Duane tag is a good idea.

Samantha King said...

I'm glad to see that Pete Yarrow is still getting work.

Anonymous said...

this video reminded me a lot of hitler.

Kit O'Connell said...

I'm just so moved by this.

Actually I was just wondering, 'Where's Duane?' and there he was.

Chickengirl said...

just saw you guys at the Ritz!! great show!! :DDDDDDDDD

Mark said...

I sang this song at my elementary school talent show. Although no prizes were awarded at the event, in the long run, I think I lost.

Anonymous said...

I love how Duane appears just as he says "God"

leif said...

THANK YOU for creating this awesome music video, the singer owes you a debt of gratitude.

Was just about to post this to a wide audience when just enough male frontal nudity (i.e. more than zero) dissuaded me, but unfortunately my loved ones may not understand just how important the issue is anyway!

Anonymous said...

A little warning for the frontal nudity would have been nice!

Voracious_Boot said...

Best vid in while. Brings home how many fucked up anthropomorphic or garishly designed costumes people are willing to wear for a little bit of screen time.


Anonymous said...

I have a sudden urge to punch babies.

nate said...

I laughed at him.

Guess i dont get "it".

Ravenhallow said...

Aw, it's a cavalcade of EIT classics. So many wonderful memories, touching moments, people I've laughed at. Oops.

Anonymous said...

we need the other (newer) Paul's Back Yard video back online!!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, I remember this song.

We saw in health class in Elementary school, and only now do I realize how creepy this guy is/ how bad the lyrics are.


Mike Tammaro said...

This type of sugary,patronizing sap will do the actual opposite then what it is intending to do. Kids aren't stupid. Preach and talk down and they will rebel. I love the politically incorrect images that mock the politically correct song.

Alex said...

How many of you laughed?