Another week and Everything Is Terrible: the Van just keeps on rolling. After NYC we had an excellent crowd for our midnight show at the beautiful Coolidge Corner theater in Boston. Special thanks goes to TVNutboy for the very generous Jerry donation, Peter for the glowing mystikal orb of truth, and the dude (didn't catch his name) with the dumpster pizza hookup! You're too good to us, Boston!

Next we were off to Utica, NY (confession: we thought it was Ithaca when we booked the show), where the people at the New Uptown Theater were very kind to us- all 6 of you! Scott/Steve, don't worry, we didn't forget you!

Next we were off to Syracuse, NY where we performed with the Lord of the Yum Yum! A fog-filled, shofar-blowing good time was had by all. Special thanks to Holly at the Spark Contemporary Art Space!

Now we are in Charm City, MD where last night we performed with our new best friends/co-conspirators SHOWBEAST!
If you missed it Bmore, do not despair, because tonight we do it all again at 2640 St. Paul St!