Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Thanks for everything, Maryjean!


Unknown said...

Mary Jean, I love you!!! Do not let the haters get you down, you are an amazing woman!

Gizzmonic said...

Did she say that her dog's name is "Henry Wrinkler"? As in, the Fonz?

Anonymous said...

Love these videos, but this one was just a bit too long don't you think?

lindsay said...

I could watch dogs being massaged all day.

Heather said...

Henry Wrinkler was hitting the chloroform too hard before his dog massage. "Wake up, Henry! Wake upppppppppp! OH NOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYY..."

Unknown said...

I wonder what he would look like... covered in bees!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad she let us off the hook for amazing grace. i don't think i could have handled it.

laura linger said...

Mary Jean: thanks for having such a great sense of humor. We kid, you know, because we love.

I know an 11 year old doggie who will very much enjoy a puppy massage. Next time I see him, I am going to do it.

Samantha King said...

Henry Wrinkler!

"Heeeeeeeeeey! That's some good dog massage, Mrs.B!"

Nicol3 said...


Mary's my new hero. These are so darn amusing. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good Maryjean.

Anonymous said...

I love how the dog started trying to run away when she started singing.

It's awesome that Maryjean likes this site though. I could make fun of her videos all day, but hearing how good-natured she is makes me bite my tongue. It says a lot this day and age when some one is able to take both comic criticisms and deal with parts of her product being sent around the web without flipping out about it. Hats off to you Maryjean!

Chris said...

I agree with Mark.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, how is she still single?!

Anonymous said...

So I don't know where else to ask, so where do I get tickets to the st Louis show?

Marnie Brumder said...

Is is it okay if I like this video? No seriously I had a vicarious moment where I felt as if she was giving ME a massage... oh man. Watching that dog get all rubbed down the right way gives me the warm and fuzzies!

Rii said...

Aww, this absolutely just made my day! You can really tell that she loves what she does. People like this just make me smile.

Thank you, Mary Jean!

boltzman5 said...

not as funny as the original cat massage, sorry. good try though!

Anonymous said...


scamps said...

Mary Jean took awesomeness to the next level when she not only complemented the site, but actually provided them with more material!

Anonymous said...

I agree, not as funny as the first but it's probably pretty hard to edit when you know the original creator is going to watch it and is such a nice person.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article on dogs and massage. Who knew?
Electric Cigarette Inc

Sandy James said...

Massaging dogs....I did not know this! Horse-shoe!

Ryan said...

Thank you, Mary Jean!

Dre said...

Mary Jean, quirky as she is sexy.

Anonymous said...

paw sandwich

Steve Dekorte said...

Was hoping it would end with "dog massage...dog massage...dog massage...dog massage..."

Mafoo said...

I transcribed Maryjean's version of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot in case anyone wanted to sing it themselves! Here's the GDoc. :)

Matt said...

Hey it's the "Who's the best Cat in the United States? It's you Champa Dampa, it's you!" lady.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a dog so I could find out if he likes his head circles clockwise or counter clockwise.

Anonymous said...

I feel MORE STUPID after watching this.

Unknown said...

As soon as is appropriate, I'm using "Hey, Henry Wrinkler, how about some breast stroking?" in my daily life.

Ken said...

Did you see the clip of MaryJean on Letterman? If you think it's funny let's all link to her catmassage.com site and see if we can make her the queen of cat massage in google. Too funny!

Unknown said...

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