Seriously, look at every shot with care and tell me what this means to you. What if we all woke up every morning to this? How different do you think life would be? The film also includes a lot more of that puppet dog, white child slavery, the devil (I think), a pink dolphin, and much, much, much more. What caught my eye in the first place was one of the best VHS covers I've ever seen...
Anyways, other cultures sure are funny!
The horror....the horror...
It's probably just me, but..did anyone else pick up on some phallicism in the second video?
The first clip reminds me of a "Xanadu opening sequence/ Menudo Video" hybrid.
Thanks for sharing, EIT.
You know, this probably isn't relevant, but one time I was in Italy and this random guy in the street handed me a VHS tape about Jesus. I kept it for years and once tried to watch it at a party, but then I realized it was formatted for Europe (PAL). I hope Brazil uses NTSC!
Hey, Fat--I certainly did. Apparently we are perverted (for girls).
believe it or not, albino dolphins are pink
How'd they know what my nightmare was about last night?
I actually found these to be cute and sweet. A rare example of puppets not being too scary or morally heavy handed. And it's good to see the dog from Adventure Time back in work.
well, looks like i'm going to have to rip this off too.
i wish magic-rainbow-lady-jesus would come to MY town and teach kids proper painting technique and then show fish how to make out with each other.
I love pink dolphins.
OK seriously....
The "Labyrinth" meets "Flashdance" part of this film is amazing.
These brought a little tear of happiness to my eye. *sniff*
This chick was married to soccer legend Pele at one time. I don't know if she still is though.
Did she get the necessary permits to paint that wall/pavement? And is she trying to support gay pride, Hawaii, or both??
I KILLED the last dog that painted over my rainbow chucks.
Brings back so many childhood memories. I grew up watching that shit. If you think the video is terrible, I could subtitle the video so you guys could feel real horror!
Pretty much all of her movies are as creepy as those.
Really, just check this out
correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't she implicated in a weird child pornography thing about ten years ago?
Xuxa brought (brings?) happiness to millions of Brazilian kids. Thanks for these videos!
Graffiti is graffiti. Tut tut Xuxa. And too cool for a helmet as well?
i remember this show wen i was a little kid they actualy say she was satanic you can sear in youtube wen his set was burned
they say she had pictures of little children an objecs of satan worship
My Brazilian boyfriend says she used to be a porn star before being a kid's superstar. Once she became famous she bought all her old porn photos and videos so no one could see them.
I'm from Latin America, seriously this movie is one of the most bizarre movies ever...and thats not the cover of the VHS thats the cover of a "stickers book" about the movie. Nowadays Xuxa stills being one of the most famous woman in latin america, producer, artist and singer... that movie was her early beginnig... like a lot of other celebs examples..Madonna in "Who's that girl"
Sorry 4 my english.
This is the original VHS cover:
I'm pretty sure that she and that pink dolphin are gay-married now.
she was really really big all around south america back in the late 80s and 90s
Xuxa totally had an American TV show in 1994 that aired on the Family Channel. I remember the gee dee theme song to that show, and it will never, EVER leave my head. That show was so brazenly bizarre, much like both of these videos.
i think i'm in lovee ♥♥ this is what makes brazil great.
i don't care what all of u guys r saying. looking back at this, she is fucking amazing. i love this, xuxa u are wonderful i love u ♥♥ rock on.
I remember the US Xuxa show and thought - "Damn, she's kind of dope for kid show host."
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