Thursday, April 22, 2010



alicia said...

anyone remember reading "The Wave"?

Destination A Go-Go said...

I'd like to congratulate Steve the Camera guy for winning this weeks "T-Zone" challenge.

...Well played Steve.

filmscience said...

I would like to call attention to the amazingly aggressive sound guy thrusting his boom mic into inappropriate areas.

And did anyone find the hand raising demo to be a just a teensy bit Hitler-y?

Lautaro said...


fupu said...

What is this???

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever wanted to punch an entire room full of people in the face.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know 45 degree angles and thumb tucking were so important.

Less wind resistance.



Now everyone split into small groups and turn to page fifty-seven to discuss what a failure Branden is at life.

Craig said...

oooh yeah.

seriously one of the most terrible, EIT.

ZZ said...

There've been kids who've confused the game of School and the game of DOOM way too often.

...yep. I'm going to Hell.

evegan said...

omg my parents sent me to that..I snuck in a carton of smokes and sold them for crazy expensive and bought jack kerouac books, and shared a room with a vegan punk rocker crusty kid and a raver boy and wound up being a vegan dj indie rocker type hipster dude. right on..the whole thing was pretty lame but I talked to girls and wound up going vegetarian and rejecting my catholic faith upbringing while i was there..sort of backfired on my mom I guess.

airport.whiskey said...


Heather said...

All I could think of was "boom in the shot," too.

Well, that and how much I wish I had a cyanide tablet.

josh said...

That guy grew up to be John Lithgow's character from Dexter.

Nate said...

just... wow.

Lazlo H. said...

James McCray, Psy. D, is now a practicing psychologist in Lake Tahoe. Unfortunately, he appears not to have any pictures on the web so it's hard to say whether he's still got that sweet haircut.

Samantha King said...

The "T-Zone" was actually the codename for the empty house that James and his partner, Jeff Dahmer, took 14-year-old boys and a various assortment of lean, stringy men.

Heather said...

Fat n Boring, you never disappoint.

Anonymous said...

I'm a TV Production major. If I pulled the same crap the people in the video just did, I would most definitely lose the game of school.

Meechree said...

I'm speechless....

redrash said...

This made me cringe more than any other EIT vid. yeesh.

Anonymous said...

My frontal lobes just tried to incinerate themselves.

Mene Tekel said...

That sound guy sure wanted some attention, waving that boom around a hundred times.

Anonymous said...

"ouuuu yeah"

Denny DelVecchio said...

Jimmy "Sir Cocksalot" McRae is completely locked into Europorn these days.

Never saw that one coming.

Anonymous said...

This one was just brutal. Can't wait to see you guys in Providence!

Ooh, yeah.

Anonymous said...

these people were paid to display COMMON SENSE..

Anonymous said...

wow, i remember james i never remember him being so d bagish especially when i used to waive at him. ps i think at every camp there was a boom guy walking around always in the picture

Feldspar said...

I actually attended Super Camp in Colorado back in 2007. It wasn't this awful, I swear. Yeah, there were some bullshit "educational" segments every day (and yes, they still teach that t-zone garbage), but we also spent an entire day in the Rockies climbing and rappelling on cliffs. And there wasn't even any pseudo-Christian spiritual bullshit to it either! It was a fun social experience, and I met some great people. That having been said, I also still had a total breakdown during my first semester of college. So I don't think I really won the game of school.

Random Neko said...

I am at a loss for words. I honestly wonder wth parents are thinking when they pay for bull like this. Yes children this is how you raise your hand...I need brain bleach for this garbage.

9th_Sage said...

It's a good thing they mentioned tucking in the thumb...I once had a teacher call the police on me because I forgot to do this important step. I might have been safe if I were in the "T-Zone" but sadly I wasn't.

Marty said...

Gotta love how "No Child Left Behind" has changed the face of education! LOL

I've been in education for over 15 years...and NOW I see the error of my ways!? I am showing this clip first thing Monday morning...that is, if my 7th graders can sit up properly.

leif said...

"Or the teacher might think there's something wrong..."

Now why would I think a class full of Nazi-saluting verbally orgasm-having, creakily leaning forward kids sitting only in the T-zone was a sign of anything less than normal?

Nicol3 said...

If this is supposed to help me win, then it's safe to say that we've all lost

J said...

Leading candidate for 2010 worst video.

scottwad said...

Anybody that wants to come up and smell the Big Mac table please form a T shaped line with no kinking Brandon.

Anonymous said...

This video caused Columbine.

BuddyBoy said...

I NEEED this video.

Jose Aldo said...

I grew up in a slum. What is this game school camp thing?

Judson said...

"Ooh yeeaah..."

Anonymous said...

That must be where Macho Man Randy Savage learned to "Ooh yeah!"

Digeridude said...

Nazis + camps. Nothing good can come of it.

Anonymous said...


-- Kool-Aid MAn

E said...

Does are some sick shorts. Fact.

Anonymous said...

She's so plain that she becomes irresistible.

Buschtumann said...

The salute; I can't believe it.

Anonymous said...

thanks for finding this hitler youth video.

the trick is just a little bit of kinking.

Anonymous said...

Honest to God, if any of my students (yes, I'm a high school teacher) tried to use this BS in my classroom I'd throw their butts out the door. Do they really think this pseudo-intellectual crap would fool anyone?

Chickengirl said...

BWAHAHAHA I literally loled when they all started sieg heiling xD ohhh man and I think they were all white too.

I think I would have gone insane and would have run out if the room screaming if I had to be put through that when I was in highschool..that was

A said...


Patrick Batemen said...

I want to cut a puppy's head off and shove it up my dead grandmother's cunt. Then I would eat her body with the puppy's skull inside her grimy pussy.

Anonymous said...

It seems like everyone who actually attended these things ended up becoming the most annoying sounding people I can imagine.

Thee Indy said...

wow.... settle down there, dead granny puppyfucker and inappropriately horny guy who usually posts on porn forums

That's Bullshit! said...

Shane Mosley had no business being in the ring with Mayweather!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me when I worked at REI and my toolbag boss had to get everyone to demonstrate the "correct" way to stand with your hands in your pockets. This gave me the same desire to dive out the window.

Mike Monaco said...

Boom in the shot. Boom in the shot. Boom in the shot.

Anonymous said...

Were these kids taught anything even remotely useful about doing well in school? I can just see some little kid proudly trying out the "Ooh yeah" thing in class and getting sent to the principal's office for being inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

this makes me hate myself

Unknown said...

"There's just a litte too much kink in there, James"

ArcadeShrine said...

I remember the 'wave' but..what's that gotta do with this?

Anonymous said...

boom guy went balls deep into that shot.

andiepants said...

Now I know why I maintained a solid C- all through high school.

If only I'd known about the nod n' wave...

Anonymous said...

All of these kids voted for Donald Trump