Friday, August 31, 2012


Without further ado, here are final championship-clinching videos from Deeper Understanding!

Their final video can be found here. If the thumbnail of a butthole didn't tip you off, it's very NSFMW.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Another year, another winner stands triumphant over the broken bodies of their rivals. In the most competitive Battle Royale yet, the night belonged to the two-headed beast known as Deeper Understanding. All hail your new godking!

A big thank you to everyone who submitted! The Battle Royale gets better every year and it's all because of your fantastic submissions. Come back tomorrow to witness the spectacle of Deeper Understanding's killing blow! It involves butt stuff!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hey Chicago! We've got a busy evening ahead of us! First we're heading out to The Octagon Gallery at 8pm for some creamy psychedelic goodness from PAPER RAD and SCOTT WHITEMAN, new GOOP OF THE GODS, and oh what's this? Videos from something called EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE? Interesting.

 If that's not enough madness for you, then it's off to The Logan Theatre for the PCP-fueled antics of DEATH DRUG at 11 pm!

You OK? You freaking out? Don't worry dude, you can see DEATH DRUG tomorrow night, too. Now let's go find the chillout tent...


Another classic Cynthia Rothrock cut from the great Dante Fontana!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I (Ghoul Skool) am neck deep in Cynthia Rothrock movies, and I'm simply overwhelmed in her awesomeness.  Here are a couple blasts from the past from the ultimate ass-kicker herself!

Monday, August 13, 2012


Fifty films, throngs of fans both here and throughout Asia, five Karate Illustrated Female World Champion titles, six black belts in different disciplines, a trail of asses kicked (if laid end-to-end) that would easily stretch ‘round the Equator — and she’s just getting warmed up! First capturing the American imagination in China O’Brien, the impossibly cool Cynthia Rothrock is one of the screen’s greatest solo mutilation squads, and we adore her to no end. Can you believe that Cynthia will join us on the Cinefamily stage, for a career-spanning Q&A that’ll make mincemeat out of the likes of your unworthy tuchus? From her beginnings as an aspiring teenage kung fu competitor to achieving the highest professional heights a disciple of the martial arts can achieve, to movie stardom first in Hong Kong followed by filmic fame on her home turf, Cynthia is peerless, powerful and a national treasure.  We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than by showing off her best work and naming this week officially Cynthia Rothrock Week!'

For tickets to 'An Evening With Cynthia Rothrock' at Cinefamily during Everything Is Festival, go here!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


We all know he's the director of Miami Connection, but WHO IS Y.K.KIM REALLY??

Friday, August 10, 2012


A totally Total Recall-based music video for a song by Jurassic Acid from the Odds N Friends show this past Monday, "Recalling Total Recall"


Hey Chicago! Everything is Festival may be in LA, but we've only got ONE WEEK until DEATH DRUG takes over LATE NIGHT AT THE LOGAN:

August 17 & 18! 11pm! Tickets $7! Drug-themed shorts from the EIT vaults! Drink specials! Supermarket freakouts! Funky music by The Gap Band! Alligators used as combs! Sherm! What more could you ask for, sucka?


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People! The Battle Royale calls for you! I know we got a lot of Terribles and Terriblettes coming in from all across the country for this, so now is the perfect time to show off by taking down your peers!

Think your collection of YouTube videos and VHS tapes is the best in the biz? Well, prove it, creep! This is a Found Footage Battle Royale of viral video insanity — and we’re daring you to bring your A-game, and go head-to-head with your own kind! We want to see your weird, funny, insane clips that you’ve always wanted to show publicly — think of it like WWF wrestling, but with videos instead of all that greasy groping stuff. You will be judged by the audience applause-o-meter, so make sure your stuff is entertaining as a monster truck rally! Be forewarned: this could, and should, get ugly. Here’s how it works:

* - Anyone is welcome to enter, but you should be there in person for this.

* - Submissions can vary from an unseen YouTube clip to a fully edited piece. We obviously want creativity, but, really, this is about showing off gems. Whatever the clip may be, just think to yourself “Will this go over well with an audience of screaming maniacs?”

* - Each contestant must have a total of 5 CLIPS ready for show and sent to us by June 25th.

* - Once we take a took at everyone’s submissions, 16 lucky contestants will be chosen.

* - Clips cannot be longer than 2 MINUTES MAX! Anything longer will be cut short.

* - Submissions can be sent to us a number of ways: They can be DVDs dropped off at The Cinefamily (mailed to: The Cinefamily, attn: Found Footage Battle Royal, 611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90036) or emailed to us at We will take many formats, but since this stuff is going to be projected on the big screen, think “the bigger the quality, the better.”

* - Costumes, character backgrounds, etc. are encouraged.

* - Taunting and mocking of other contestants is also appreciated — as long as it’s non-violent and/or creepy.

* - The winner will recieve the only thing that matters...  RESPECT.

Thursday, August 09, 2012


The trailers roll on for Everything is Festival III: THE DOMINATION and I'm very excited about this next one...

For one night only (Friday, August 24th) you will be whisked away into the high school of your dreams!  Imagine a place where Nick Offerman is your principal, Showbeast is your gym coach, and no pop quizzes!  Plus a LIVE performance by Country Death and other acts yet to be confirmed!  And that's STILL not all!  For you see, I had a vision about a year ago.  A vision to have a barbershop quartet cover Philip Glass' iconic, yet pretentious score to the film 'Koyaanisqatsi.'  Well boys and ghouls, I am happy to tell you that after a lot of understandably confusing phone conversations, the amazingly talented Hi-Fidelity Quartet will be performing LIVE for a once-in-a-fucking lifetime performance to perform ACAPELLASQATSI!

You have to realize by now that there is no actual way to explain this type of show, so GET YOUR TICKETS HERE and we can try and sort it all out later.  And for the poor Festiv-less, this event will be live streamed!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012


This one goes out to all of our friends/fans who came out (and those who were turned away at the door) to the Totally Recalled show on Monday in Chicago - yall are the bestest! Read more about the show in Chicago Magazine.


Still lots of trailers to show you guys, and for those of you who simply cannot make it to Los Angeles for this years' Everything Is Festival (August 19-28th)- we have good news.  The geniuses at Stickam are going to be LIVE STREAMING A TON OF EVENTS!  More info as it comes along, but we hope that if you're trapped at some lame government job or video game store in the middle of nowhere, you can at least hang out with us DIGITALLY.  Here are a couple shows I'm very happy to announce... 

If you’ve ever been to a showing of Cinefamily’s “The 100 Most Outrageous Kills” around Halloween time, or “The 100 Most Outrageous Fucks” on Valentine’s Day — then you KNOW that the concept is a mind-blowing mix night of some of the most psyche-shattering clips on the subject at hand you’ve ever seen. Join us for the world premiere of our brand-new show “The 100 Most Outrageous Action Scenes”, just in time for EIF!  GET YOUR TICKETS HERE

And on a completely different, but equally awesome note, may we present an event showcasing Adult Swim's lastest eye candy.  When your show is called 'Off The Air' and it’s on at 3AM, you’re almost daring viewers to hunt down and discover an incredible show like this. Thankfully we did, and we cannot wait to share it with you. Each episode starts with a simple theme (animals, food, etc.), and what happens next is hard to explain. In an insanely short amount of time, the show’s creator David Hughes curates the most wonderfully bizarre and disturbingly beautiful short films of our time. Dave Hughes will be here in person to show us unseen shorts, his favorite gems, and God knows what else!  HERE'S DEM TICKET LINK, HE-UK!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


On Sunday, August 26th at LA's Cinefamily, we have a real treat for you guys.  An afternoon screening of 'Star Wars: Uncut!'  Wanna know what that is?  Then read on!

One of our age’s great odes to communal creativity, Star Wars: Uncut is a shot-for-shot reinterpretation of the canonical 1977 sci-fi classic — cinematically retold by almost 500 different directors, all in 15-second “microchapters”! Using every single conceivable homemade live-action and animation angle, the crowdsourced team of filmmakers’ efforts to lovingly re-create Episode IV: A New Hope down to the last detail is awe-inspiring, heartwarming, and a fantastic testament to the power of our 21st-century democratized tools of creation. “[At] any point in ‘Star Wars: Uncut’, [you’ll] see Jedi children in suburban driveways, hand puppets, motion graphics, action figures, and hundreds of other no-budget techniques on display. The source material is so deeply embedded in our consciousness that no matter the style or homage — nods to Bergman, ‘Yellow Submarine’ and Simpsons characters abound — it’s impossible to lose your place, or your grin.” — Willamette Week. Don’t miss your chance to see this legendary viral video phenomenon in a unique, cozy Cinefamily big-screen setting!

If you're a fan of films like 'Raiders: The Adaptation' then you are going to LOVE this.  Get your tickets here!

But there's more!  Friday, August 24th we have the reason midnite movies were invented: MIAMI CONNECTION & LIVE MARTIAL ARTS DEMO W/ DIRECTOR Y.K. KIM IN PERSON!  It makes no difference if you've seen the movie or not, you will never be able to etch this night out of your mind.  Join us for the truly funniest most entertaining films ever made!  Get your tickets, please!

Monday, August 06, 2012


Hey, chumps!  I am so proud to present the final lineup for Everything Is Festival III: The Domination, this August 19-28th.  Look at this insanity!  Pee-Wee panel!  Nick Offerman!  Cinematic Titanic!  MARYJEAN 'aka MISS CAT MASSAGE IN PERSON!  Us!  And it's 10 diggity-doggone days long!  It goes without saying that a lot of these shows are gonna sell out, so please get tickets before some jerk nabs 'em!

To celebrate all this, I will be giving the rest of the EIT gang the week off to shove every trailer we have down your throat until you get on a plane, train, boat, or goat to this festival.  Think about it, if a bunch of adults get to dress up as clowns in a cave every year, why can't we have our version of that?  You've all been so nice to us when we go on tour, let us make it up to you by entertaining the living shit out of you for a week and a half!

Let's start by explaining what the festival is (in case you can't read)...

Okay, breathe.  That was a lot of awesome shit happening at once, and I apologize if you just ralphed all over your the place.  Let's break it down show by show starting with one of my favs...

Please take a minute to understand what's happening on August 23rd.  The gal who put the kick in kickass, Cynthia Rothrock (aka China O'Brien!) is coming for an evening unlike any other.  We will sit down with ehr and showcase her entire career, followed by a screening of one of her favorite films!  If you aren't familiar with Cynthia's work, maybe you know her from the greatest scene in movie history?

More to announce all week long!

Sunday, August 05, 2012


Hey Chicago! What are you doing on August 17 & 18 at 11 pm? Here's what you should be doing: Joining us at the Logan Theatre for a screening of the totally insane Drugsploitation flick DEATH DRUG!

DEATH DRUG has never been released on DVD, so we'll be presenting it in the beluga caviar of formats: VHS!

Ticket information is coming soon, so stay off that sherm, kids!

Friday, August 03, 2012


You have 2 days to figure out why you shouldn't be doing anything fun this Sunday.

Thursday, August 02, 2012


 In anticipation of this year's Everything Is Festival, particularly “The Rise and Fall of God” or “Religion’s Greatest Shits!” or “God Is Alive And Well And Living in Branson”, I offer you a clip from the movie, Lay It Down.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012


Once you go Blaxploitation, you'll never go backsploitation.