Friday, August 19, 2011


TWOFER! I've had both tapes in my collection for years now- and just realized the only way to make sense of one is by showing you the other all in the same post. Both are equally shocking for completely different reasons.

I can only imagine what the YouTube comments on this baby are gonna be tomorrow morning...

And I keep being told Don Rickles isn't a hatemonger and hates everyone equally, but... For real, dude? You may be a legend but you're also a dickbag.


  1. I don't see how this makes Don Rickles a hatemonger towards gays. I was expecting him to start yelling 'fag' or something else ugly. Did he write the skit? If this is hatred towards gays then wouldn't Don Adams and the rest of the cast be guilty as well? Hate is a strong word (and tag) for this skit. Ignorant may be more of a applicable label.

  2. What a Fabulous Prison!

  3. Really, it's not that much different than Mr. Roper's reactions to Jack Tripper's effeminate gay persona. Yes, it's offensive and antiquated today, but you could say the same for almost all depictions of gays prior to the 80s.

  4. Just have to add two more cents:
    I think the most disparaging line in the skit comes not from Rickles but the character of Lester. Lester's remark that domineering Don Adams reminds him of his mommy goes in tune with anti-gay sentiment. Many feel homosexuality is a choice and brought upon by a dominate mother and/or lack of a father. Science is proving this false. People don't chose to be gay. The way my luck goes with woman I would have chosen to be gay a long time ago!

  5. @TheFilmBUg

    I'd include a "rimshot" but that would be a little "on the nose" in this realm.

  6. first clip....omg...that was gay porn! not that there is anything wrong with that though. I'm a bi-curious female...but I never saw gay mens porn before. It's everything I thought it would be! Fabulous and full of phallic references and sexual double and triple entendre

  7. If you need to hear Rickles (or just want to hear Rickles) yell fag other ugly stuff, I would suggest you listen to every single stand up performance he's ever done. He says tons of ugly stuff. It's like his thing. But in his defense, the guy is really ugly. I know people try to defend him as a funny man, but I would rather defend him as one of the ugliest people I've ever looked at. I mean I can think of lots of funny people who are funny without being homophobic. But I can't think of anyone uglier who is funny without being homophobic. Seriously who's uglier than Rickles (again i don't mean "ugly" material, i just mean like how his face makes me we want to throw up (totally sounds like a Rickles joke by the way))?

  8. That was Wesley Snipes at the end of the first clip, right?

  9. OH GOD WTF WAS THAT?! *Pours bleach into eyes*

  10. I just want to clarify that i didn't mean to defend Rickles. Just wanted to say that he is very ugly. Was ugly? Is he alive still?

  11. @Slick.
    He is still alive and plugging away. I think the whole reason everyone is dumping on Rickles because he is and never was that funny. Robin Williams used to make fun of gays in his early stand up but I haven't seen him get flack.

    BTW-that was Murray Langston (The Unknown Comic) as Lester.

  12. @ThefilmBug: Yes, Eddie Murphy too. A whole lot of standup from the 80s was guilty of this.

  13. Snap, the Slick is back.

    After watching 2E2T2:TD way too many times, some of my customers and I use the "yo, Daddy..." line as a greeting. Thank you, EIT.

  14. it took me about half way through the first clip to realize it was a gay porno.

    And I bet the there were more phallic double and triples than just entendres'.

  15. it took me about half way through the first clip to jerk off.

  16. Don Rickles being a homophobe is one thing, but Inspector Gadget?

    What would Penny say?

  17. Was that Ben Affleck in TBOCBQ?

  18. The important thing to remember about the Rickles' thing (ahem) is that it is terrible. And it is.

  19. Defenestrator is right. Comics up until the early '90s did gay jokes as a regular part of their act. In fact, there's a video on here from a couple years ago that makes this look open-minded!

  20. I love EIT, I really do, and I'm what most of you would call a "Neo-Con". Having said that, here's my two cent worth on this issue -

    Tolerance is just fine for so many people out there, just as long as you agree with them. Look how many Christian videos that are on EIT for everyone to make fun of. In fact, EIT has a more than one category for these kinds of videos. That's because for some reason society has said it's ok to make fun of Christians.

    People argue that it's ok to make fun of Christians because of their stance on gays. If that's the case, why not have a whole section on Muslims then? You can find a crapload of hate-filled videos out there from Muslims, but I don't see anyone posting those here. Maybe that's because most Christians don't kill people just because they're gay (See Iran). I guess there just might be something to fear from insulting Islam. That would be the prime definition of Islamophobia.

    Let's list off the things that are ok to make fun of - fat people, rednecks (southern people in general too), Christians, old people, women and blacks (well, only if they're conservative, otherwise it's bigotry), nerds, ugly people (subjective), and foreigners with accents (as long as you redeem yourself by making them look smart). I'm sure I've missed quite a few, but you get the idea.

    As a Christian myself, I have quite a lot of friends who are gay. The Bible says it's wrong, but it also says to love thy neighbor and not to judge. Yes, I know you all can pull out a lot from the Bible that would be barbaric in today's society, saying "Yeah, it also says to kill gay people, what about that? Huh, Huh?" Well, I choose to also go by the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" commandment as well, so let's be confused together.

    So if Don Rickles decides to kill a person because they are gay, then I think he's worthy of condemnation. But if he's making fun of them because of who they are, then I guess he should be praised by EIT. They are, of course, better than anyone at doing it.

  21. @ThefilmBug, I absolutely agree with your point about the most offensive thing being about the domineering mother. Also, the first half of the video seemed remarkably worse than the second half.

    It's all just very antiquated -- like watching Disney's "Song of the South."

  22. Brian is totally right, although he went on for a couple paragraphs too long. His 2nd and 4th paragraphs are spot on though. Tolerance is bullcrap if you get to pick and choose who you're tolerant of. It makes you no different or better.

  23. @Brian

    A lot of people have asked us why we don't post Muslim videos and there's a simple explanation: they don't exist. We have been to thrift stores all over the country and have never come across any Muslim tapes. In fact, I'm offering a challenge right now: the first person that can send us a cheesy Muslim tape will receive a cash prize.

  24. I never thought I would have the privilege of hearing homoerotic prison banter and A Silver Mount Zion in the same video sequence...

  25. The magic you guys pulled at the end of CellBlock Q was HILARIOUS. Fantastic transition.

    Also, I am anxiously awaiting your return to Seattle.

  26. The second video is kind of like watching Mad Men. But only slightly.

  27. RE:Muslim tapes exist...The Turkish "star wars" film has overt Muslim content as do some of the cult indonesian films( I think) and I would assume EIT has done rifts on those.

  28. that whole blow job for two dollars..... priceless..... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I have to know what was going on there!

    word verification: Latepha.... that may have been her name.

  29. @Anonymous: I was talking more of educational/kids' tapes, rather than feature films, but you are correct on that regard. I'll have to rewatch my copy of International Guerrillas, but the challenge still stands.

  30. Wow, more homophobia posting on EIT comments than I expected. Pretty pathetic really. Bigots are a dying breed.

    As for the whole 'pity us poor downtrodded christians' thing, whilst I think the creators of EIT in general have pretty liberal/progressive politics (like almost everyone creative) the site isn't about that. It's about humour, mostly unintentional. Where examples of bigotry, hatred and ignorance are shown on the site, it's not so much part of a political agenda as it is about laughing at the bigots who, in retrospect, are really laughably pathetic. It looks like at least one person (seeing as all the homophobic comments were anonymous until 'Sly' decided to criticize someone's anonymity) is going to join the ranks of the laughably pathetic in the years to come.

    Left-handed people were demonized for decades for their left-handedness. Serious at the time, moronic now. The same will happen for LGBT people, and it'll happen sooner than the bigots think.

  31. Sly, I don't like the term 'homophobia' either. It should be an '-ism' like sexism and racism. Seeing as you use the word 'pussy' to demean people so often, it seems like you have a problem with women too. In fact, it seems like the only person you appreciate is yourself. That being the case, please spare us all your moronic drivel and go talk in a mirror so you'll find someone who agrees with you.

    Jokes are supposed to be funny. People trying to be funny and instead exposing themselves as brainless bigoted jerks? That's funny too. Telling people to go kill themselves? Not so much.

  32. The interesting thing is, Sly, you really seem to be interested in this comment thread, as you keep coming back to it. What about it interests you so much? Does calling people 'pussies' and 'pretentious, pompous jackasses' make you feel like a big manly man? Aww, I remember that phase. Most people grow out of it before they hit 20. It's so easy to be all tough when no-one knows who you really are.

    At any rate, words have an effect on people. Trying to avoid offending people is called empathy, and it's what elevates us above animals. Well, I say 'us'...

  33. There's also a scene from Andy Warhol's "Flesh" which mentions the $2 proposition.

  34. I think that the reason that people make fun of christian videos is that they often try way too hard to be "cool". I would know.

  35. Please for the love of god, let there be a reupload for the cellblock Q.
