Wednesday, November 03, 2010

666 GOD MADE ME 9/11:11


  1. I want to know the difference between "Bible Songs" and "Action Bible Songs"...

  2. Action bible songs have hand movements.

  3. All those albums... they really make China look like it's a good grasp on child labor laws.

  4. I want the Spanish version of action bible songs.

  5. Ugh. This is the first time that I've ever previously seen something posted on EIT. My younger cousins asked me to watch this with them once and knew all of the lyrics/hand movements. Does any other religion go after kids the same way that Christianity does?

  6. That 3 year old blonde girl emphaticaly telling us "God made her" would have fit well on the set of Village of the Damned

  7. I'm going to start a new pin off protestant Christian denomination and it's called, Capitalist Consumerism.

  8. "The Christmas Story - Through the Eyes of the Friendly Beasts"

    Ooh, ooh... I want to play the goat who gobbles up the Virgin's afterbirth!!

  9. That rooster sure loves nip play.

  10. Oh man, I remember these! Up until around 3rd grade, I had to watch these videos ever week in music class. Yay for 12 years of Catholic school...*burns videos in a Satanic ritual bonfire*

  11. Thank you EIT for posting this on my birthday.

    You make me feel so special.

  12. Spanish version is on cassettes. Fuck 'em since they don't know what a CD is. French Version is probably on 8-track.

  13. I'd love to see a loop of that girl freaking out at about 0:49. Preferable in slow motion with Satanic sounds.

  14. somebody needs to sprinkle some Jeff Stryker on this piece..."deeeeep and wide"

  15. oh god. this is worse than that ET thing.

  16. Anyone know any catchy atheist songs?

  17. When I saw there were 19 comments I thought for sure someone already caught this... the kid in blue does a pretty big crotch grab on farmer bob at 0:29.

  18. Excuse me sir, do you sell Silly Songs?

  19. I remember singing the deep and wide action bible song in elementary school music classes...but we were never subjected to godawful videos such as this...I don't remember singing lots of other religious songs either..if we did I never got into em, cos I was raised to be a good lil agnostic child.

    leave it to the religious folk to make the creepiest, lamest videos in the name of God.

  20. I want a vasectomy.

  21. Bible Songs! Action Bible Songs!
    Bible Songs! Action Bible Songs!
    Bible Songs! Action Bible Songs!

  22. "Deep and Wide" is part of the chorus to "A Very Goatse Christmas Carol"

  23. "Satanic Bible Songs, Death Metal Bible Songs, Kirk Cameron Action Bible Songs, Songs of Solomon, Songs to Smote Your Siblings, Gangsta Rap Bible Songs, Pro-Choice Action Bible Songs, and Silly Sinners Songs.

    And if you act now, you get Rockin' the Rapture (Til I'm Gone) Songs!"

  24. At !:00 a girl touches the chicken. Now I know how pedophiles get kids to do their bidding. Dress them up in a chicken suit, tell them to touch the chicken suit. After a week of that tell them another word for chicken is cock and tell them to touch the chicken/cock suit. Then the next week tell them it was okay to touch the cock suit so touch my (the pedophiles) cock.

    I so figured out their system!

  25. Figured it out... or just created it?

    Appropriately, my verification is noncoc

  26. "Booooring! Play the Mark Lowry songs again Mommy."

  27. 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 go forth slick bishop into the mountains that we may seek out the berries of knowledge to sustain us in the long winter ahead 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666

  28. This was slightly more frightening than the film Jesus Camp.

  29. @Marty: Don't forget "Kirk Cameron Gangsta-Death Rap-Metal Bible Songs". The autotuned speaking-in-tounges bit was the best.

  30. @anonymous Christianity wouldn't be around if they didn't get em' when they're young

  31. I just love adults scrawling their filthy, twisted beliefs on the blank wall that is young innocent children

    gg humanity
