Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Featuring Ted Prior of Deadly Prey fame!

You can thank/blame Trygg for sending us this monstrosity.


  1. Remind me to never workout with a woman called 'Rhonda'.

  2. Damn.

    It lacks a man being beaten with his own severed arm, and Ted doesn't do any screaming while scalping.. but it lives up to Deadly Prey's level of awful.

  3. That's not necessary

  4. I've seen this movie. Actually, I've seen nearly every movie directed by David A. Prior. He puts his brother, Ted Prior, in almost all of his movies. He's usually the lead role.

    Anyway, the plot of this movie is that a woman named VALERIE suffers third degree burns all over her body in a freak accident involving a tanning bed, so then she become jealous of other women's bodies (or something) and opens a gym. She goes under the assumed name "Rhonda" and goes around killing people with a giant ass safety pin. Yes, she stabs people with a fucking pin. WTF.

    Anyway, that's more than anyone probably wanted to know, but Prior movies are legend with me and my circle of friends. When I lived in Nashville the local UPN affiliate would show these movies really late at night, like 2AM

  5. If you want more homoeroticism in the vein of Deadly Prey, you might want to check out Night Wars:

    It's like Nightmare on Elm Street + Platoon

  6. The detective reminded me of a homoerotic Columbo.

  7. One of the guys yelling at each other looked VERY familiar in that second scene. But then I thought, no... nevermind. Bill Hicks wouldn't do that to us. ... Or would he?

  8. Did the lyrics of that opening tune include the word "hippo"?

  9. If you want Ted in your next movie... here is the info

  10. How much of the movie is a close up of girls in spandex working out?
    And how much time of the movie is a close of of men in spandex working out?

  11. @Valerie: A Giant safety pin? So far I've seen her bludgeon someone and shoot someone. Amazing she finds time to use that pin.

  12. 0:58 Didn't I see that happen in one of the "Final Destination" movies? That's pretty sad when a Bad Horror movie rips off a far Worse one.

  13. if their bodies are so perfect, why do they need shoulder pads?

    think about it, won't you? thank you.

  14. Aside from the 20 or so minutes of the movie devoted to the workout scenes, the movie is comprised of Rhonda taking people down with a safety pin, Prior going all "Can't Stop Punching" Deadly Prey maniac, a detective constantly saying "beautiful bodies," and some guy developing a mental illness (sprinkled in are lifting scenes, on the job chores scenes, locker room scenes, personal life scenes, etc.).

    The parking lot fight which you saw being instigated before it cut to the guy strangling himself in a bizarre nightmare/hallucination is probably the best martial arts ever put on film. That part of the movie is the closest to Deadly Prey that you will find, however the music is way better.

    This movie in its entirety is cinematic gold.

  15. After a 30 minute crotch workout five times a week, those women now have the strongest adductor muscles known to humankind. The rest of their bodies is pure flab.

  16. Hahaha. I was going to send my copy of this movie to you guys soon. Random.

    There is no main character in this movie. It's bizarre.

  17. Oh come on. Most men would be like 'Huh. That's different...

  18. The alternate title to this movie, I shit you not, is "Aerobicide".

  19. I would bang her just for the story.
