Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Part 3 in the ongoing series "Future Schlock's reasons to never have children"


  1. I was homeschooled.
    It was actually a lot like this...

  2. They should go back to the kitchen.

  3. I was home schooled (not for Religious reasons though)

    it was my dad that taught me though

  4. the jungle of homeschooling, its a jungle out there, not even Brooklyn can prepare you...

  5. Nothing could prepare me for the sheer amount of self-accepted sexism in that video.

  6. I waz also homskooled.

  7. I was given an Evangelical homeschooling from 5th grade onward.

    History: The '60s were rife with dirty, promiscuous, amoral hippies.

    Science: Evolution? Pffffft.

    Also: The U.S. is a CHRISTIAN nation, the adverse effects of DDT were greatly exaggerated, and logging companies are inherently responsible at managing resources.

    This, coupled with practically no extracurricular activities and no sex ed. made for an interesting transition to college life.

    I still struggle with social retardation. :|

  8. Brought to you by Kmart and their mom jeans line.

  9. Homeschooling: The Musical, now playing over at Caleb's house, in the basement.


  11. Oh sweet Azathoth, may I never live like this.

    @Kyle - At least you are aware of
    "the awkward", once you know you've got some kinks to work out it's much easier. I work in a comic shop and 90% of the people who come in all have some issues with social interaction.. it's just the ones that don't notice it that're scary.

    Which ends up being a lot of home-schooled folk, sadly.

  12. Ow, the sexism hurts! Mostly my soul, but my head's a bit sore and the garish video hurt my eyes a little, too.

  13. This made me want to kill myself.

    It's like Satan made this to destroy our faith not just in God, but in everything beautiful and worthwhile in life.

    This is what happens when you touch that chunk of evil from the end of Time Bandits.

  14. Whether or not to homeschool our eventual children is an ongoing argument between my girlfriend and me. Thanks for providing me with more ammo.

  15. Was kinda waiting for dead zombie suffragettes to rush the stage and start using those pans upside those moms' heads....

  16. It's the girls' night,
    The girls' night out!
    Praise the Lord and,
    Give the Devil the rout!

  17. But we all know what really goes on, right? Sure, they all look like they're having fun and getting along, but as soon as one of 'em leaves the room, the others start whispering about her dishpan hands, and how they saw her husband at the Relax Inn motel on the east end of town with Bethann Hicks. (I hear *her* pans are fake)

  18. Step Up 3-D is waaay different than I expected...

  19. i think this just killed my oedipus complex

  20. They are Mormon, i SWEAR TO GOD they're Mormon!

  21. This was two minutes and 22 seconds too long.

  22. Nice to see Corky St. Clair is directing again.

  23. don't worry future schlock ill give you kids one day

  24. Homeschooling is bullshit. There is no excuse. Either put your kid in private school, a magnet school, or get him/her a tutor -- either that or teach them good independent study habits and encourage them to learn more on their own. If they're intelligent enough they'll learn a lot more on their own than you could teach them. There's nothing inherent in parents that makes them good teachers. Nothing.

    Sorry, but this just pissed me off since homeschooling is something I'm adamantly opposed to. Just the idea that there are fundamentalist morons (or hippy nutjobs) out there whose crotch droppings are exempt from basic public schooling makes me blood boil.

  25. HomeskooledinBrooklynSeptember 10, 2010 at 6:48 PM

    Well I was hit or miss about the whole atheism thing until now, but this pushed me over the line. No just God could allow this.

  26. Just wtf is this play(???) supposed to be about? Is it supposed to be funny? Anti-homeschooling or anti-woman? I R cornfuzed. Terrible isn't a good enough word to sum this craptastic attempt at entertainment, is there a "everything is just utterly pathetic, mind numbing & akin to douching with ice water cringe-worthy" site this would find better as a home?
