Thursday, May 20, 2010


VHS compliments of: El Scorcho's Western Westside Junk Rodeo, Chicago, Illinois


  1. This guy is based relatively close to me, and I've seen his show a number of times. My absolute favorite part of his weekly thing is when his crazy-looking, wild-eyed wife, Rexella, reads newspaper and internet headlines out of chronological order and without any context.
    I had no idea he made "movies". I really want to see this now.

  2. He makes about as much sense played backwards as forwards

  3. This is no joke.

    We're coming to get you, Christians! Leave America while you can!

  4. YAY! i love jack van impe...what a hottie...and three cheers for rexella the drag queen! >:)

  5. They're already tracking our household products with these treacherous barcodes!

  6. Is it me or does this seem like a really good idea? Thanks Jack.

  7. That craptasticular song will now be in my head all day. Thx.

    Word verification: grumbl

  8. I read that as "The Massage of Eternal Hope." I am seriously disappointed that my traps will not relax.

  9. The quasi-futuristic prison looks like a set stolen V.

  10. My favorite part of the video is the fact that the guy singing the song came out of the closet recently. Awesome.

  11. It's not an aluminium hat we must wear. It's a curly mullet.

    For baby jesus.

  12. I'm assuming it's the Godless heathen in me that finds religious scare tactics like this, gut busting. Sure, there's people out there who take it for gospel, but those are also the same people who put "Chick Publication" booklets in your Halloween bag.

  13. Jack must smoke a lot of pot to be as paranoid as he is.

  14. FAB: As a Christian, this sort of thing makes me *cringe*. Sometimes the worst witness for Christianity is a Christian...

  15. Hmm...Christianity or Militant-Capitalism? Tough call. Why can't we have both again?

    NEW TRADITION: RFID baptisms.

  16. I sorta thought that the guy singing looked like a slightly thinner William Murderface from Metalocalypse. That made it 10 times creepier for me!

    Let the persecution begin!

  17. Yep that singer is Ray Boltz, who came out of the closet last year. When I heard about that I suddenly became his fan :D

  18. There was a distinct Death Star vibe to that prison. Did anybody else expect Jesus and St. Peter to sneak in wearing Stormtrooper outfits and bust out the father and son?

    That is a movie I'd watch.

  19. @ Heather...

    Perhaps you've heard this quote from Ghandi: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

  20. ^ Anon I was thinking the same exact thing. I'm one of them heathen sort, but my mom is a United Methodist pastor and we're pretty cool with eachother.. when I see stuff like this I really feel for the Christians who are normal folk and *not* bugshit insane.

    Or wearing curly mullets. Yikes.

  21. This is actually a pretty accurate way that early Christians believed. However, the Roman govt. actually was persecuting them. Then politicians learned they could use religion to get into office and it's never been the same faith.

    The problem is this is so out of line with modern Christian beliefs that it makes them look crazy.

  22. @ Mene Tekel,

    On the contrary, the video is *not* out of line with the beliefs of *many* modern Christians.

  23. Oh I *do* get a chuckle out of the paranoid, doomsday-cult mentality. Mr. James Randi has been compiling a long (yet partial) list of the many failed "End of the World" predictions. It hurts the brain to see how disappointed some folks get when the world fails to end.

  24. Not gonna lie, I totally read the title as "Mark of the BREAST." Wow was I in for a disappointment.

  25. I can remember having to go to a private christian school as a child, and they would have people come speak. One of them I think was saying some crazy shit about the barcodes and how they would be tattooed on people's handa and foreheads. And that christians would be restricted from buying or selling because they refused to take the mark.

  26. Its like the Borg. Resistance is will be assimilated!

  27. I remember watching this movie as a child and it really scared me!

    Thank you EIT for posting this and bringing back so many terrifying memories.
