Monday, February 22, 2010


Let's keep this planet neon pink and green!


  1. a buffalo in tennis shoes? now i've seen EVERYTHING!

  2. Man I wish our celebrities were as cool as these ones from the 90s.

  3. jonny, I think that was a Yak. heh, Ozzy probably thought it was actually there.

  4. Thanks for making me snort my coffee, Eric.

  5. Oh my gawwwwwwwwd I REMEMBER THIS :D

    I can't believe my brain still has this sort of rubbish from 20 years ago filed away in it somewhere...*laughs*

    Amazing find, thanks for making me nostalgic once again for saturday morning cartoons...;-)

  6. There's Bette Midler telling people what to do... again. True to Terrible from.

  7. In a video with singing cartoon characters, I gotta say the weirdest thing was seeing Randy Newman.

  8. Celebrities are never more annoying than when in preaching mode.

  9. thank goodness for this effective video - since it was made our garbage and recycling practices have never been better.

  10. A rap video from the early 90s? SAY IT ISN'T SO!

  11. I thought I had repressed the memory of Bette Midler working that cartoon yak's horns. Back to the therapist for me. Thanks, EIT!

  12. even MC skat kat makes an appearance

  13. You know what's weird, I actually remember this video. I think I was about four years old, and I thought it was awesome. How times change.

  14. Stevie Wonder clapping in outer space is something I've always wanted to see, but I blocked the horror of it out of my imagination until now...

  15. Stop the funk! The earth can't take any more slap bass.

    I wish I could take this video back... To hell, where it belongs.

  16. I too remember this video from my childhood, and I believe I remember thinking at the time how odd it was that MC Skat Kat from the "Opposites Attract" video was in the cast, yet Paula Abdul was not. Did she have a scheduling conflict, or does she hate recycling??

    Also, when Barry White told me that there was "no more room for no more junk," I got a special feeling. Down there.

  17. I remember watching this over at the Huxtables', Theo and Cockroach.

  18. You'd have to buy newspapers before you can recycle them.

  19. Good to see that B.B King, Lita Ford and Bette Midler collaborated for a worthy cause.

  20. I love how they recycled DJ Scat Kat yet refused to have Paula Abdul in it.

    And Jerry Springer in this, how awesome can it get? Ahhh I long back to the early 90s. Times were so simple then.

  21. This is better than the 2010 "We are the World".

  22. It's funny to see celebrities preaching recycling, which lets corporations off the hook for all the wasteful packaging they produce. Now it's the consumer's fault for waste, instead of the big firms ducking regulation.

    Or, more prosaically, everything is terrible in that video except for Barry White, who is (was) God.

  23. Wow Kenny Loggins AND Bette Midler!! o_O

  24. Fun Fact: I've been trying to find evidence of this online for years, and the first thing that popped into my head way back when I found EIT was that if it was going to end up anywhere, it's going to end up here. :D

    We watched this in the 4th grade. Not just this, though. We also watched a Making Of, and a [what felt like] hour long compilation of each celebrity doing a little 15 second PSA with fun recycling facts, all ending with that damn yak going "Buy stuff that's recyclable, and recycle the stuff you buy. Take it back!" Over and over. And over. And over. And over. Oh lord.

    Not a single kid in my class knew who any of the people in this video were.

  25. This is one of the times Stevie Wonder is glad he's blind

  26. I was lucky to have missed this as a child, but now I'm exposed to awful things I should have avoided. Thanks EIT!

  27. I had effectively wiped this from my memory. until i saw ozzy with a terribly drawn yak with an earring. goddamnit.

  28. I wonder if they recycled the tens of thousands of sheets of animation paper used to bring the yak and his friends to life.

    Just sayinnn

  29. I too remember this video from my childhood. Bette Midler was in another pro-recycling PSA, only solo.

    Is it just me, or did there seem to be an overwhelming amount of celebrities shilling during the 90's? (More so than usual) Does anyone else remember the infamous Johnny Cash/Taco Bell commercial? I recall watching that with my father, and him making a low, guttural sound, as if he had been kicked in the junk. I kinda' had the same reaction when I saw Bob Dylan for "Victoria's Secret".
