Loooosely based on the manga by visionary Kazuo Umezu (“Cat Eyed Boy”), The Drifting Classroom’s “international high school” is populated by a ragtag team of Annie-esque English-speaking kids of all stripes. During an impromptu jam session of “Here Comes The Bride”(?!), a tornado hurls the entire school into an alternate dimension time-slip — and as the baffled students and faculty (led by ‘50s teen idol Troy Donahue) navigate through a desert wasteland, giant bugs tear through the children like twigs, a gripping madness immediately sets in with the children, and hell breaks loose at every turn! With an impossible Neverending Story-meets-Twilight Zone vibe, the fantastic and the bleak blend together beautifully with this baby; this one is so face-melting your head will be a panini by the time it’s over. Never released on DVD — even in Japan! GET TICKETS HERE!
VIDEO NIGHTS: The Drifting Classroom (trailer) from Cinefamily on Vimeo.
BONUS! The great JORDAN DOBBS ROSA found an early 00's made-for-tv version titled 'Drifting School' and made a 3 minute cut. You go, girl!
VIDEO NIGHTS: The Drifting Classroom (trailer) from Cinefamily on Vimeo.
BONUS! The great JORDAN DOBBS ROSA found an early 00's made-for-tv version titled 'Drifting School' and made a 3 minute cut. You go, girl!
A Haiku...
ReplyDelete"I need to see this!
But I can't get to LA.
Alas, I must weep."
...seriously, I would love to see this!
Drifting School is from 1995, not the early 2000's
ReplyDeletedespite how cheesy the movies are, the original Kazuo Umezu manga is fucking awesome
ReplyDeleteHi there. As a huge fan of both Hausu and the work of Kazuo Umezu, this is HUUUGE news for me!! Honestly, this is some of the best news I've gotten all year, though I am nowhere near LA to see it! Its existence (and Criterion collection possibilities?? Idk, I'll rally any troops I've got) is mind blowing! Sooo stoked right now.
ReplyDeleteIf that is Billy Drago, then we need a new tag!
ReplyDeleteBeautifully weird, just the way I like 'em
ReplyDeleteI know that's a geeky thing to get excited about, but...
...screw it! NOBUHIKU OBAYASHI!!!!!
.....it finished, and then I just stared at the screen for a while.