Thursday, February 07, 2013


Seriously? Elton John jokes in 2004?


  1. Oh, Larry, I can't say I ever expected better from you but here we are. Also I really like the term "queer" as a sexuality/gender umbrella term, so fuck this guy for trying to ruin it for me.

    It's cool, guys, I'm taking it back.

  2. I heard through the grapevine that Larry's schtick is entirely satirical. Heard that about Ann Coulter too.

  3. He's from Illinois (I believe)...

    It's just a character.

  4. This man was picked up as a voice actor in what is often called the worst Disney film ever made, released a mere two years after this was filmed.

    Elton John, on the other hand...

  5. Larry The Cable Guy may just be a character, but it's not satire. If it was satire, people would be laughing because he's a racist asshole, not because they think what he says is true. It stops being satire when people take it seriously.

  6. Was this taped at the Apollo?

  7.'s dated humor. Sure it's offensive, but let time really have its way with him; he will figuratively take it in every hole.

  8. Never mind the dated Elton John reference...Jim Neighbors? Who under the age of thirty-five even remembers Jim Neighbors?

  9. That's actually 'Nabors,' but yeah...

  10. So, this is one of those gay 'bears' I've been hearing about?

  11. Yeah, let's call everything "hate speech". What a bunch of selective hypocrisy on this site. You guys sit around and make fun of everyone under the sun, from what they believe in to the way they look, but if someone steps on one of your sacred, leftist PC cows you go apeshit.

    And what a nice little crawler up top to tell everyone what the thought police have defined as "hate speech" in the first place.

    Seriously, if you're going to have a site like this which, admittedly, has some funny stuff, don't look like douchebags and try to pretend you're some sort of social barometer of acceptable speech.

    By the way, dig up some black comics some time and see what you can find on white people. I mean, if you can fit it into your narrative, of course.

  12. So now, telling jokes about silly homosexuals (and yes they are silly)is "hate speech"? And what a marxist term that is to begin with. The term reminds me of something out of 1984. It reminds me of modern England and their thought police.

    I keep forgetting that the left only likes "offensive" humor if it is directed at a group that is not protected by political correctness. Now, if he had been attacking whites, specifically white males(No jews tho), southerners, christians, conservatives, people like that. Then that would have been ok.

    Homosexuality in and of itself is it's own joke.

  13. poor persecuted white males ;_;

  14. Perhaps you are confused, Anon. Blacks have federally protected rights in this country. Gays do not.

    Also, no one here said we embrace or encourage racism from anyone, black or white, or anything else. We merely talked about what was presented before us, namely, what appears to be material comprised of very dated jokes from a majority that marginalize an unprotected minority segment of the population. It is quite strange that you would try to legitimize your point by intimating that other racist material should be posted here. You essentially claim: "Well, black people make fun of white people. Go find that and post it on here too."

    You also show your hand. You are a sad, angry person. You immediately go right for the assumption that the commenters and posters are "leftist...thought police."

    If someone were really not an angry individual, and they were truly interested in not perpetuating stereotypes and racism, they would not be recommending a flood of equal-time racist postings. They would abhor all of it. Talk about hypocritical, how about your own selective shaming of us? Where were you for postings of Christians, or people with special needs? Why did the protection of gays and shaming of white, retarded (yep, I used the word as it is applicable in this case) redneck hicks who cannot discern between humor and a sermon raise your ire?

    Finally, go fuck yourself...

    --Sgt. McKinley, Royal Anon's...

  15. At this point I can't tell if the comments themselves are satirical, but "I keep forgetting that the left only likes 'offensive' humor if it is directed at a group that is not protected by political correctness" is absolutely hilarious.

  16. Get 'em, Sarge!

    "Homosexuality in and of itself is it's own joke." My brain hurts. What does that even mean, improper apostrophe aside?

  17. those words explaining stuff... i couldnt stand it... too much for a sensitive drunk soul

  18. anytime you want to post a black man's comedy routine on white folk, EIT, I'll be waiting ...

  19. Anon - black people making fun of white people is not the same as the reverse. That's because of slavery, lynchings, police brutality, discrimination in housing and work, and so on.

    If you need this explained during Black History Month in 2013, you need to step away from the keyboard and read a book. I recommend anything by George Jackson, Eldridge Cleaver, WEB Dubois, to start with.

    The 'humor' in Larry's routine is about putting down minorities who already lack power. It's fascist, and whether he believes it or not is irrelevant.

    Thanks for posting this, EIT. Nice to see you're making the right-wing trolls angry.

  20. "Homosexuality in and of itself is it's own joke."

    Oh, so you're just a homophobic bigot. Thanks for reminding me not to take your arguments seriously.

  21. The infobar rolling over the video was really distracting the good humor.

  22. Who knew someone like Larry the Cable Guy would bring about such a fervor of discussion.

  23. I'm wondering if that angry little anon was actively trying to rile us since he/she hasn't posted back. Trolling?

    Or maybe the Sarge really did lay down the law in a way that would successfully change the mind of an extremist uppity individual.


  24. Hey guys, can we all agree on one thing?


    Am I right people?

  25. Oh god, make the Anon 12:04 types go away.

    If you earnestly *like* Tosh.0, then go to his site, not this one.

    This is the only site that has awesome comment boards, not flame wars, lets keep it that way!

  26. as a black anon, I didn't find anything wrong with this comedy routine. Too bad all you white folks are so caught up in yo white guilt that you cant have a laugh or two at a gay's expense, or a mexican's, or anyone else's. Too much of that MSNBC bullshit. If I gots to explain Black History month to yall, how its inherently wrong and exclusionary, then yall just dont understand the point of integration and assimilation. Stop feeling bad all the time libtards! Its not yo fault!

  27. this man personifies everything that is wrong with America, this video made me want to puke

  28. Want to hear Larry mocked? The We Hate Movies podcast did a good take-down of his new movie "Tooth Fairy 2" --

    His barbarism shows no bounds.

  29. Do I have to spell out the difference between racial discrimination and discrimination based on people's sexual orientation? You do understand the difference, yes? One is race. The other is being gay. You are fired because you are black? It's a crime. You are fired because you are gay? It is not a crime. Why? Because it does not violate the Constitution. It is not a protected right. Therefore, if you are in Texas, and you are gay, and your boss fires you because you are gay, it is legal. If he does it because you are black, it is NOT legal.

    One of the biggest problems with conservatives is that many of them are soooo susceptible to fallacy, you have to debate them with their wildly erroneous information before you can even get to the accurate details that have a bearing in the matter. I have to give your fallacy equal weight by disputing it. This is why so many of them have to be home-schooled, and as we have seen, they struggle with simple concepts like how babies are made.

    -- Sgt. McKinley, Royal Anon's...

  30. Anon 1:20 is the original 12:04 Anon trying a new 'disguise'.

    Don't feed the troll...

  31. Awww, look, Anon is trying to talk! How A-DOR-A-BLE!

  32. 80s Ignorance Rainbow
    October 19, 2009

  33. I was surprised that he was still here. Not really sure who he was talking to though; this conversation ended on Feb. 11th at 5:47pm.

    --Sgt. McKinley, Royal Anon's...

  34. I finally have a legitimate reason to hate this guy. Thanks a bunch!
