Thursday, January 19, 2012


Only 8 more days until the beginning of the end of your self-completing! 1/27/12! DW!PW! DVDs go on sale and EIT! comes to your town! Buy yer tickets! Tell yer friends! Put yer dog friends in the kennel! Go! Go! RRRRRRUUUUUUFFFFF!

Courtesy of the Rich Juzwiak Collection. See more at FourFour.


  1. Was the Michael Jackson chocolate bar part of his masterplan to convince all children that having Michael in your mouth is cool?

  2. Bearded Pussywillow Patrol with Moustache Deputy.

  3. At the 1:00 mark, did he really say, "...white and black magic, which is a phallusy as we all know right here at the table"
    Besides the point that the word "phallusy" isn't really a word, here is the deffinition of "phaullusy" in the urban dictionary.
    I. the stories men make up about their love life
    2. A deceptive, misleading, or false notion on the subject of one's penis, usually about size.
    3. to lie about the size of one's penis

  4. I chuckled at the irony of these Christians calling M.C. Hammer a bad influence, considering Hammer is a reverend now.

  5. You can tell that the fat guy in the video is just so ecstatic that he has the opportunity to show off his TMNT collection, including the one of a kind Michael Jackson chocolate bar.

  6. Oooh. Sick burn on Vanilla Ice.

  7. to Luke: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but the word is "fallacy".

  8. Didn't know we had these people north of the border.

    Every time I want to be tolerant towards religious people I'm reminded of this shit. If there are videos where Christians don't end up getting pop culture 100% wrong, I'd like to see some.

    Still - good Simpsons reference.

  9. EVERYTHING is evil and satan-inspired if it's not EXPLICITLY Christian propaganda, and eternal-hell fundamentalist at that. Duh.

    And those Christians running around who say that Jesus hated religion and personally intervened to put an end to the bullshit? LIES FROM THE DEVILLLLL!!

  10. I once came across this anti-rock and roll christian broadcasting show that claimed that Carlos Santana was in communion with a demon which in turn made his collaboration with Rob Thomas popular.

    This reminded me of that.

  11. I've been trying to get my hands on a Michael Jackson chocolate bar forever. :(

  12. How can they take themselves serious in this video? "..slippers for young children with the Turtles. Now, it doesn't matter if they're warm, it doesn't matter if they're well constructed"

    LOL I missed you EIT! I used to watch your videos on Youtube a few years ago and got busy with school and work and just tapered off. Then I found out you got banned from there :( Well I am glad you are still posting videos here!

  13. My country will not become a theocracy!

  14. make fun all you want, but these guys have a pretty killer collection of Ninja Turtles stuff...

  15. Don't let your kids be evangelized with the gospel of humanism!

  16. I remember my Christian family absolutely flipping out over the Simpsons back in the early 90's

    I mean these days cartoons like Family Guy make fun of Religion all the time, it's tame now, but the Simpsons was the first to do that, it was legitimately shocking back then

  17. @ Anonymous: Yes I was being sarcastic... couldn't you tell by the tone of my voice... oh yeah I guess sarcasm doesn't always work so good in written form.

  18. And I thought he was gonna say, "And Bart said, "Rub-a-dub-dub; Thanks for the grub!""

  19. What is it about facial hair that makes men fanatics? Is it the itching?

  20. these losers are just mad that Colby's Clubhouse never took off in the secular market. they're missing a vital piece of marketing information - it's all the black & white magic, blasphemy, nunchuk violence, Hinduism, and bad-ass rock n' rollers that make kids want to watch a show at all.

  21. I'm one Christian who's always had a good laugh at kooks like this. My parents were too, and never saw a problem with this stuff.

    In fact, I actually got my first Ninja Turtle at a church Christmas party! I was hooked, and soon had almost every figure.

    However, my folks did forbid me from watching The Simpsons after that episode. I just set the VCR in the other room to record it, instead...

  22. as a Catholic, I find these to be stupid and insulting to my religion

    I don't think any of contents on that video reflect me in any way shape or form

  23. the simpsons quote : "Dear God, we paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for nothing."

    cracked me up, it's hilarious!

    btw the episode is: "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish"

  24. i'm so. fucking lucky. that i did not grow up with conservative christian parents.
    i like how the guy said the bart simpson thing like it was a horrifying experience in his life
    " and then.... bart was asked to pray...." *holds back tears*

  25. you guys are all demons
