Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Do your children have no appreciation for gypsum products? Send them into the woods with Duncan the Dragon!

Thanks to Jesse Thompson (#9 on the Jerry Leader Board!) for the tape.

And a bit of site news: we no longer have an intern. Our Internthing requested better working conditions and respect, so we had to let him go. Unfortunately years of living on nothing but Jerry droppings and thrift store smell made him quiet resilient to being forcibly removed from the building. Since he wouldn't leave, we had no choice but to rehire him as an indentured consultant. He has been renamed Wrong Man because he brought disgrace to the title of intern. So when you see a post from this Wrong Man fellow, feel free to subject him to the usual amount of scorn and ridicule.


  1. Many happy returns on your promotion, Internthing! I enjoy your submissions decidedly more often than I hate them. I look forward to the aftermath.

    Word verification: wislyz

  2. Word around the campfire is that internthings now interning for Conan. Could be bullshit though. I also heard a crazy rumor that Commodore is doing Judge Judy later this month. Show biz...what a wild ride.

  3. does he talk by moving his eyebrows?

  4. ".... hey that's a fancy word!"

    Oy! Puffenstuff! NO ADD-LIBBING! Just read the damn lines."

    Word verification: "emussion"

  5. So wats he conna do with the axe at the ending??

  6. holy shit, was this a promo for the Georgia Paper company?

  7. "Metal products that are used with wood!"

    Duncan, come on. we've already devoted hours listening to you naming wood products. If you start listing every object that has ever been near wood then we'll never get out of here.

    What's that, Duncan? Why yes, it is a nice axe handle...

  8. i especially loved "metal shit- USED with wood!"

    hahah holy crap this is a goldmine of terrible! nice find! BORING!

  9. So after having seen this like half a dozen times over the last week, I'm ready to call it the best thing ever. Between the terrible furry costume, the background music, and the insane voice acting on the part of both the dragon and the kids... WOW.

    Let's see more of wherever this came from, EIT!

  10. The Koch brothers actually paid to produce this?

    Hey, kids! Get your parents to buy our wood products so we can destroy the liberal union thugs who pay more in taxes than we do!

  11. If it weren't for trees we wouldn't have metallic nails, because we wouldn't have where to nail them. That's fucking deep, fellas

  12. "The world would be terrible if there weren't any trees! Because you know trees exist so that we can cut them down and turn them into wood products!"

    Honestly, that aspect of this video was more chilling than the scene where he breaks out the axe at the end...
