Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Please leave your favorites from the past year in the comments and we'll tally up your votes this weekend.


  1. While I stand by all my other top picks for this year, and think that you guys have done so much good stuff... PSALTY! is the most terrifying and awesome video of this year. Most of the videos I love are because the source material is just so funny and/or awkward.. but this one is really all about the editing. It turns it from a sappy Christian kids video of moderately creepy value into a fucking horror story from which only one weeping child emerges. Hell yes.

  2. I don't know how I missed that last one with the little kid this year, especially with the Branson tie-in. Little Dude is like a tiny, less talented Wayne Newton.

  3. I agree with Ravenhallow. Psalty's a sadist, and no matter how annoying those kids are, they don't deserve to be molested by a big blue book.

    Matthew Mattney, on the other hand...

  4. Was that poor kid wearing a nehru collar?

  5. A guy at my job used to be a Nintendo rep. I'll have to ask him if he had to wear those stupid red shorts.

    And I can't get enough of the Christoga.

  6. Is someone ever going to man up and take responsibility and apologize for the 1990's?

  7. Was this the year with Hugga Bunch? That was the only favorite that hadn't been covered yet.

  8. So I completely forgot how fucking awesome "Move Over Stuart Anderson" is and that that bastard was in Branson! And the last parts of the video. Epic stuff friends.

  9. I want to nominate those two guys in the crowd at the Cleveland show. I know they're not technically a video, but they were just so wonderful.

  10. I agree with Ravenhallow. Psalty has a Joseph Conrad-esque "Heart of Darkness" vibe to it.

  11. I don't leave comments very often, but I felt like this was my opportunity to write an open letter to EIT.

    Dear EIT,

    Let me just say that 2010 was the year that I discovered you guys. Ever since April, my life has been filled with so much wonderful terribleness, and I thank you eternally for that.

    Keep up the good work, you guys rock.

    Oh, and my most favorite EIT video for 2010 was Hacking is Easy.

    My other faves include, 3 minute hugga bunch, Marriage is a padded cell, and Llamas are super exciting.

    Happy New Year!


  12. I would have to say of those 3 posted, That little shit from Branson was by far the weiner er- winner. And no word of a lie, after seeing him for 5 seconds I already, literally, wanted him dead. The more I watched the video, the more I realized he's dead already. On the inside.

    Psalty's video where the many-armed-psychotic-music monster first appeared. That still gives me the creeps.

    Didnt' care too much for the bieber thing.

  13. I really loved the How to Party video and wish I knew what it was from.

  14. aw man so hard to choose...

    probobally 3 minute Heist or...rusty the squirrel or..rappin math...Psalty i remmeber from being a kid damn. colbys hilarious...the Cg baseball is one of my favorites...


    has got to be your guys best find though. Wish i could find that movie online somehow

  15. Colby's Revenge! But Babysitting Rulz is also up there.

  16. Psalty wins! He's got to. I shared that with everyone at the animation studio I work with and it became like a sort of friendship test. If you got it in your instant message window and were NOT laughing like a mental patient, chances are you and I didnt get along on some level. If you were laughing like crazy while screaming "WHAT THE FUCK?!" then we most likely got along like old chums.

  17. The Branson kid? Love love love that song where he sings "I can be anything I want to be" -- while standing next to those (shudder) parents of his. Yeah, Stu...you can be anything you want to be, as long as it doesn't involve being either gay or an atheist, or any combination thereof.

  18. PSALTY has provided and continues to provide the most TERRIBLE spiritual guidance in mine and my co-friends lives.


  19. I love all of these. "Move Over Stuart Anderson" is a tear that hangs in my heart forever.

  20. Of the year...

    3-Minute Shotgun is beautiful.
    I'm not sure if the Miami Connection one counts... I'd love to get my hands on that entire movie.

  21. I agree with Ravenhallow. I want to nominate those two guys in the crowd at the Cleveland show.
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