Friday, November 12, 2010


Mickey Rooney is kinda like the Dolph Lundgren of the 1940's.


The wonderful folks at Wham City are doing a comedy tour and it is coming to Chicago this Sunday, November 14th at 9 PM! And motherfucking EIT! is opening for them! Seriously, this is going to be a night that you will feel with all of your being. Either come to The Hideout (354 W Wabansia St) or miss out on the comedic weirdness of David Bowie, Showbeast, Dan Deacon, Egg Schrader (an actual egg), April Camlin, Tim Allen, the Creepers, and so much more. Buy lots of tickets now! Don't forget to bring those fourth and fifth eyes of yers. Yul need 'em. And if you don't live in Chicago, go to one of these other places and see this show (sadly, EIT! will only be at the Chicago show). Booya!


  1. Thank God for the Creation of this Movie!

  2. This is amazing on virtually every level. I'm going to have to work really hard to keep myself from telling people about this, and not even people I know; waiters, grocery store clerks, the mailman. Everyone. I want to tell everyone about how great this is.

  3. True story: My mom rented this from the video store when I was 7 thinking it was a kids' movie based on the creepy puppet on the cover. Predictably, this is where I first heard the words "fuck" and "shit", and I watched it maybe three times just for the swearing.

  4. I am speechless. No comment can due justice to what i just watched.

    PRAISE to the makers of that film!!! PRAISE!!!

  5. Not only were those one-liners horrible, they were just plain lame.

    I have to give them props though for possibly the most inventive evil puppet movie i've ever seen.

  6. This is the insanest cast for a shit concept movie I've ever seen. This had to have been made by an a billionaire who worked hard so that one day he could bring his killer Red Baron model airplane movie idea to life, the idea that he bored friends and coworkers with for years. Bravo.

  7. that was not only insulting to my intelligence, but to the Red Baron just.....nnghfhdfshfff...

  8. Like Anonymous' mom, I too came at this initially thinking it was a kids' movie, so the WTF factor WTF'ked me even harder. A genius cinematic move.

    "M... mm... mah pills! D:"

  9. Did that woman just get mounted by a bi-plane?!?!? I guess that's how little red barons are made.

  10. along sort of the same lines may i recommend "Biggles" from the 80's, which even got made in to a Commodore 64 video game?

    The opening theme was sublime I might add, as long as the commodore 64 cover of said music.

  11. So, did Tobey McGuire's dad not actually die and instead get teleported to the future as a marionette as well, since that's apparently what electrocution does to people in this film's universe?

    wv: bausnes
    This movie truly embodies "bausnes".

  12. I actually saw this movie before. The memories are just flooding back now.

  13. I like how serious Tobey McGuire acts
