Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Just because he looks different doesn't mean he is different.


  1. Just because Rusty has sex with other Rusties, doesn't mean he is different or shouldn't have the right to marry other Rusties.

    God I love SQUORLS and circus music.

  2. Rusty has wings but no hands.

    Also squirrels have coffee cup handles for tails.

  3. What you are seeing here is like every elementary school play I was ever involved in as a child.

    So these are squirrels who come in all different fur colors, who *never eat bird seed* (where is this magical land where squirrels don't eat bird seed), and are apparently taught by a tiny *human*. And who have mug handles instead of tails, know how to operate computers, and are racists against other species of squirrel.

  4. Did that video just end with the kids finding THIS VERY VIDEO on EIT?

    Mind = BLOWN

  5. I like how the teacher gets to punish the kids - in a play she presumably wrote herself.

    And the last line completely contradicts everything else. If a lack of difference = normal, then what's the point of making Rusty different in the first place?

    Perhaps too much critical scrutiny for a children's play. Still: love the doughnut/tail.

  6. The big guy in the overalls scares me. He just kind of stands there, dead-eyed, in the background like he's just waiting for one of those lil' squirrels to step out of line.

  7. I'm trying to think of the thought process that went into creating this movie.

    On one hand I think it may have been made just to appease the kids - make them feel like they made their own movie. (i.e. hillbilly joe in the back there looks like he's been dragged into something against his will)

    On the other hand, I feel like momma squirrel there had some idea that this would be some money making scheme - a way to produce a child's movie that could be sold to the masses and teach others not to discriminate.


  8. Is this supposed to teach conformity or something? When has being boring and normal been something to encourage?

  9. You can tell that fat hillbilly guy is just waiting for an excuse to use his lynch on Rusty.

  10. What... what if he *had* crashed into the treehouse? Would this have been better or worse?

  11. Since when in the hell do squirrels have Internet connections?

    @Anon 4:24: I was thinkin' the exact same thing..

  12. This had to have been filmed at some tiny-ass school in the middle of west Texas. Had to be. Lueders, maybe? Stamford? Anson?


  14. Yes, we must save our hatred for those who are different on the INSIDE.

  15. its the white person misunderstanding that racism is just about appearance instead of life experience. Rusty is different from being treated like shit his whole life, and having a family that has been too.


  16. Goddamn their acting makes Hayden Christensen look like Sir Lauren Olivier!

  17. "its the white person misunderstanding that racism is just about appearance instead of life experience. Rusty is different from being treated like shit his whole life, and having a family that has been too."

    You make a good point, and it'd be a great criticism if this thing were directed at adults. Sadly, with children being the vicious little shits that they are, they absolutely WILL pick on anyone who looks or acts different.

    And that's why so many of these kids shows stick with the message, "We may LOOK different, but we're really all the same!" Even though it's demonstrably absurd and dishonest. But up until a certain age, kids are self-centered little snots with zero ability to empathize with others, so what else can you do?

    Ah, the discussions prompted by movies about racist (but really speciesist) squirrels.
