Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Our good friend, Paul Crik, has really been helping us with our recovery and we want to share the art of killin' it with others in need of help.

Check out PaulCrik.com and the rest of his videos on Youtube.
This is it. Fuck it. It is what it is.


  1. At the first video I was with him... sort of. Delaying gratification probably does work with credit cards, but heroin?

    After that he morphed into a less effective, but more amusing version of Gob from Arrested Development.

    Hope you guys had a good holiday!

  2. Makes me want to go out and kill more innocent animals.

  3. There is something about this guy that reminds me of the dude from Grizzly Man.

    Oh, I know what it is. HE'S NUTS.

  4. BRB, telling the addiction research labs that my lab collaborates with that their decades of research and hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding are a complete waste because addiction can be cured with a 1 minute 16 second video.

    I'll just delay the action... UNTIL NEVER! I'm cured!

  5. The answer was there all along, in the theme song to "One Day at a Time."

  6. If this is him OFF drugs, I definitely don't want to see him on them.

  7. So much for EIT refusing to post Youtube videos not of their own making.

  8. @Anonymous: All the found footage videos come from us (or very rarely, a friend whom we give credit and a link). Paul Crik is a friend and these are not found footage videos. We've also posted videos that others made for our Tuff Enuff for EIT contests. What we absolutely do not do is reedit videos already on Youtube; all the videos we edit come from the full length physical source.

  9. It took me a while to realize that these weren't found footage mashups that you guys made. Is he being serious in these?

  10. It was so lulz worthy to see the words "Killin it" above the shot of the baby. (well, doll, but you can't tell from the freeze frame)
    This guy seems like he likes to take speed...a lot.
    But don't worry,he isn't addicted, he is just Killin it with Paul Crick.

  11. Why do I get the overwhelming feeling this guy masturbates to Smurfs?

  12. What is this Hulu you speak of? Can it be found on the online?

  13. I hope this guy relapses SO HARD

  14. ITT: People who don't even know how little they are killin' it.

    Educate thy selves.

  15. Where did these go??? The internet is disappearing!!!
