Friday, June 11, 2010


Impress all the other soulja boys and girls with these hot, barely choreographed summer dances!

Kids sure love that rappin'.


  1. OK for me there are three phases of bad... 1. Just plain bad, like a Matthew Maconahay film. 2. So bad it's good, like the movie Water World. 3. This dace (if you can call it that) rap crap! I'd like to think I have strong stomach for stuff like this but I almost puked all over my key-board.

  2. this was just plain terrible and not in a funny way

  3. This is just depressing.

  4. Are you 100% that that wasn't a piece of video art by Matthew Barney, or Steven McQueen, or something?

  5. First video, kid on the far right. Is she the child of the Dick Tracy villain Flat Top? She seems to only have half a head. I'm scared now.

  6. Ohh! Did you have to make us watch the tryouts for the 2 Live Crew back up dancers?

    (shake it, don't break it)

  7. Is it just me, or did the kids in that first video have really really really small feet?

  8. Wow...those rap tap kids were freakin' AMAZING! I wish I could lock them in my basement, so I could command them to rap tap for me whenever I wanted...which would be often.

  9. This is like the set up for a bad summer camp movie.
    There's the fat kids from the poor dance camp run by the young wacky counselor vs. that rich jerk from the snobby Von Humpty camp across the lake.
    I hope the poor kids can find teamwork and self worth just in time for the final dance off for control of the lake.

    p.s. the fat poor kid in the middle totally gets his first kiss that summer too.

  10. The rap-tappers had a Dawn Weiner vibe. Just so earnest and awkward.

    Humpty Dumpty couldn't figure out if it was trying to be street (the shotgun reference) or kid-friendly with the chorus. Either way, I think he should be the new Duane.

  11. Yes, the "dancing" was awful.
    Yes, the "music" was horrid.

    But let's not overlook the amazingly bad camera work. The rap tap tappin kids were shot so wide it almost became a visual commentary on the kids' girth. You don't need a third of a frame (on each side) of NOTHING unless the subects were moving around a lot and nobody was operating the camera. But lo and behold, the camera drifts right about a minute in (because tripods are *so hard* to work) and someone "corrects" it. So, they might have a) held the camera in place to begin with or b) zoomed in. Suck!

    But hey, at least the video edits were tight.

    And yes, I get hung up on strangest things.

    P.S. These could have been the audition tapes for the video to "Praise You" by Fat Boy Slim

  12. Okay, video numero uno was all-around awful. Poorly shot, awful music, and awful dancing. I mean that in a wonderfully terrible way, of course. Numero dos though... okay, that song was atrocious, but am I the only one who thinks the kid's at least got some moves?
    It helps he looks like my boyfriend when he was younger. Time for some uncomfortable inquiries.

  13. I think this is where "the bee girl" from that Blind Mellon video learned her moves.

  14. this is probably one of the best things I've seen in a long time. He performs some serious groovy moves that had me going along with him.

    I'll be doing the Rappin' Humpty Dumpty dance and have it's perpetual motion take me to where I need to be

  15. Wherever you found these should be roped off and gilded so that I might visit it as a shrine.

    (My kaptcha: gashesse. You think that's a Hindu god or an Austrian term for cunnilingus?)

  16. 1:06, homegirl's losing her footing and making me laugh. also, what is in the middle? is it male? are it's thighs connected? i don't understand.

  17. so this is what gay people did before the invention of chatrooms

  18. I REALLY need to know where the Humpty Dumpty video came from (or at least song that is). Can anyone help?

  19. white people cant dance, simple as that ....

  20. If your name includes the word "tap" or variations thereof more than the word "rap," you should really try to live up to the expectations you've created.

    Of course, if the expectation is that you will suck, then congratulations, Rap Tap Tappin Kids on your 2nd Pulitzer?!

  21. Ya know, I think I'm just going to stick with the Humpty Dance, thank you very much
