Saturday, June 20, 2009


It's here! The time has come. Head over to our new store in the sidebar (or just click the image below) and get yourself a copy of our first DVD, Everything is Terrible!: The Movie.

We've decided to make it available for a penny donation and shipping & handling. The shipping & handling will be used to offset the cost of making the DVD. It's easier on us that way.


  1. Will I be able to buy this at Wal-Mart?

  2. Dear Everything is Terrible Team--

    Can't tell you how much it meant to me to win the Title of Keeper of the Terrible. As someone who has always guarded and cherished such treasures as VHS instructions on how to use the internet, Steven Seagal films, and all things terrible, I will wear this badge with honor and pride, conveying the terrible to all I know in the best possible way.

    Unfortunately I was not able to carry all 100 VHS tapes of JERRY MCGUIRE tonight. But since we're all in LA, I'm sure we can arrange something, and they can join TICKLE TOON TYPHOON in my film collection.

    You are the Rainbows in my Cloud!

  3. Superb work last night E.I.T. , hats off to you.

  4. Thank you for last night EIT! I will never wash the hand i touched Airwave Ranger's golden vhs necklace with ever again.

    Also thanks for the free hot dog.

  5. why is the S&H so expensive? not even UO charges so much for S&H.

    I'd even prefer to spend the $20 on the DVD so at least you guys make some $$$ and not spend it entirely on lame S&H.

  6. The shipping and handling is probably going to them, i'm sure they set it up this way for legal reasons. tax stuff probably. they probably make like 15 bucks off of each order after s and h.

    just chilax man and buy some dvds. i got 2.

  7. I went to the show and I must say that is one of the best experiences in my life. I got a copy of the second Highlander series bloopers VHS thrown at my head. I have a sealed mint condition copy of Jerry McGuire. I got the whole crew to sign my poster. I am the number one superfan.

    I am going to be having a watch party on my projector soon and I will be the coolest kid. Kinda like the blond kid in the blue shirt doing the cabbage patch.

  8. The shipping and handling cost covers not only the cost for us to ship it to you, but also the production costs of the DVD- covers, cases, etc. These DVDs were professionally manufactured, not burn at home DVD-R jobs. What is left of the shipping & handling fees after covering costs will be split among the EIT crew to buy more tapes.

    Plus, the DVD itself is free. Stuff from Urban Outfitters is not free. All you pay is shipping & handling.

  9. Just ordered! I can't wait to terrify and confuse my cats.

  10. Blue-Haired LawyerJune 23, 2009 at 8:22 PM

    By technically making their DVD of re-purposed copyrighted material available for free (plus the one-cent donation required for it to be purchasable from Big Cartel) by folding all consumer costs into shipping and handling, Everything is Terrible hope to have avoided any risk of copyright infringement lawsuits.
