Wednesday, March 16, 2011


What's the deal with being a pregnant man?!


  1. The black guy on the TV at 1:25- is that Max from SHOTGUN?

  2. What the hell was that? I have so many questions. Were they really supposed to be Seinfeld characters? I mean, my god, just wow.

  3. I never was a seinfeld fan, but it was better than that. Also does adding a funk bass line to everything make something Seinfeld-esque?

  4. I thought that guy was a hybrid of Patton Oswalt and Michael J. Fox for a minute, there.
    And yes, I'm very curious to know what the Seinfeld connection was intended to be.

  5. Everyone keeps asking about Seinfeld.

    I'm more concerned with why a creepy gardener is wearing a t-shirt with a uterus under his outfit. Is this standard uniform? Does his wife work for a discount clinic where they sell those for extra cash?

    Why is the boss looking longingly into our main character's eyes? So many questions.

  6. I liked British Uncle Leo and his convenient uterus diagram shirt.

  7. And why is it that you can push your belly out to twice it's normal size? What am we, balloons? And how do your intestines stay in place when you do that? Aren't your lungs supposed to be up under your ribs and down here in your belly? I mean, what is the deal?

  8. Couldn't watch the whole thing, and that's rare.

  9. oh my word why would the original video exist, i'm repulsed yet i cannot look away

  10. i really wish i could see the whole video of this. you please post!!!

  11. Was this video supposed to be a humorous attempt to inform people about the physical changes a woman goes through during pregnancy?

  12. Does anyone else wish they had an "Enlarged Uterus" t-shirt?
